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(A/N: I'm using the 2015 wwc team as the team in this story)
Ash's POV
Sophomore year of high school. Second year on the Satellite high school soccer team. First day of school. I'm in my car driving to school. I walk to my locker, I'm met with a smiling Tobin Heath. My best friend. I smile and we walk and talk on our way to first period.
*time skip-soccer practice*
I'm in the locker room getting ready for practice. Tobin and I walk out to the pitch and we see two girls talking to our coach-Jill Ellis. The two brunettes backs are turned to us, and being the curious people we are, we walk around trying to see their faces and not be seen. We manage to not get caught and look at their faces. They are both beautiful, but there is something intriguing about one of them. She has long flowy black hair, gorgeous big brown eyes, and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I quickly glance over at Tobin, and she can't take her eyes off of the other girl-the one I was not staring at.
Ali's POV
first day of sophomore year at a new school. So far, so good. I walk onto the field with Christen Press. Christen is my new best friend. We met over the summer after we both moved here and we happen to be in the same grade and both love soccer. We walk over to the coach to just say hi and if she can explain the rundown of practice because we met before school today to try out so wouldn't have to do it now. As we talk to him, I see two girls who I assume are on the team too walking onto the field looking at us. There is one dirty bond and one brunette. I'm pretty sure the blond one was checking me out, but I didn't mind, she was beautiful. The brunette was staring at Christen and Christen was blushing. I turned my attention back to our conversation with Jill. She just said to go change and she would introduce us to the rest of the team. We quickly change and sit on the side with the rest of the team while Jill talks to them. When she sees us, she smiles. "Ladies. We have two new sophomores joining the team this year and surprisingly there are no freshman. If you two will stand up and introduce yourselves that would be great. Just your names, positions and where you're from." Jill said looking at Chris and I. We both stand up and Christen starts talking. "Hi! I'm Christen Press. I'm a forward and I moved here from Las Angeles, California." She says. I guess that means I'm next. "Hi! I'm Ali Krieger. I'm a defender and I just moved here from Dumfries, Virginia." I say.

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