Crossing Paths

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Ali's POV
Alysa and I hop off the plane and meet Vlatko at the airport. That's right. Vlatko Andonovski! Head coach of the USWNT! I still can't believe this is real. As we approach him, he finally notices us. "Ali! Alyssa! I'm glad you guys made it. How was the flight?" He asks me. "It was good. I'm so happy to be here!" I tell him as Alyssa just nods in agreement. She's become one of my best friends. Going to college with someone I knew really helped me a lot. She helped me get over Ashlyn. Out of the corner of my eye I see a brunette walking towards the three of us. I turn to see who it is. "Christen!" I didn't know she got called up. I'm so happy to have both of my best friends at this camp. "Well, looks like all three newbies are here. Lets head to the hotel and you girls can go meet the rest of the team. I'm pretty sure we have some girls on the team who were on your high school team too." Vlatko tells us. We all get excited to see who'll be there. We get in a team van and drive. Once we get there, Vlatko tells us that the rest of team is in their rooms unpacking. He hands us our room keys and a list of our Roomates. I go through the list and I'm at the bottom. I stare at the name next to mine, shocked.
Carli Lloyd
Mal Pugh & Rose Lavelle
Lindsey Horan & Emily Sonnett
Sam Mewis & Abby Dahlkemper
Alex Morgan & Kelley O'Hara
Morgan Brian & Tierna Davidson
Alyssa Naeher& Becky Sauerbrunn
Megan Rapinoe & Adrianna Franch
Julie Johnston & Crystal Dunn
Christen Press & Tobin Heath
Jess McDonald & Allie Long
Ashlyn Harris & Ali Krieger
Ashlyn Harris. My ex girlfriend is my roommate. This is going to be super awkward. I glance at Christen, and I follow her gaze to Tobin's name. Her roommate. Alyssa put a hand on both of our shoulders. "Everything will be okay. Just tell me how it goes," she says, trying to calm us down. I know she's a little panicked about Becky being her roommate. I don't think they ever really admitted their feelings. I just take a deep breath. "I'm just gonna walk into that room, and hopefully she won't be there. Tell me how it goes with Becky and Tobin," I say when we reach our floor. I walk into my assigned room. I see half unpacked bags on one bed, so I take the other. I guess Ashlyn still doesn't care about unpacking. I just quickly unpack some of my stuff and out of the corner of my eye, I see a very familiar necklace in Ashlyn's open suitcase. I walk towards  it and I was right. The necklace was to one I had given her back in high school. I can't believe she brought it with her. I sit on my bed, scrolling through Instagram, thinking about what I'm going to say to my ex. After about five minutes, I hear the door creak open. I set my phone down and look up.
Ash's POV
I walk back to my hotel room, after hanging with Tobin and Megan. As I open to door, I see my roommate is finally here. Vlatko never showed me who my roommate is, so I'm excited to find out. I see my mystery roommate put her phone down and lock eyes with me. Uh oh. We stare at each other for a good five minutes, before I walk over to my bed. I can feel Ali's eyes on me, as I sit down. Dang, she's so beautiful. Why could I never get over this girl? I really fucked up when I broke up with her. I should've just let her explain what happened, instead of calling it off. I study her, as I feel her gaze on me. As I look down at her hands and see something. A ring I gave her. She still has it? She's actually wearing it. I notice her follow my gaze onto her hand. She just smiles. She smiled the smile I missed so much. I'm never going to get over this girl. This breathtaking, perfect girl was supposed to be the love of my life. I need to win her back. I finally decide to speak up. Just something simple. "Hi, Ali." Really? That's all you got? "Hey," she responds, looking away from me. She glances over at the necklace laying on the top of my open suitcase. She saw it. She goes over to it and picks it up. She walk to me, and gently places it in my hands. I missed her touch. I missed everything about her. "Ali... I'm," I start, but she just cuts me off. "Just forget it Ashlyn." She walks out of the room.

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