Mom's Home (Bother Trouble part 2)

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Kyle's POV
I hear a knock on Ali's bedroom door. Ali and Ash look so peaceful sleeping I get up to get it. I open the door and am met with my mom's face. "Kyle, what are you doing in your sisters room?" She asks me. I hesitate for a second. "Some things happened tonight. Me and her girlfriend are trying to comfort her." I tell her. She just looks shocked. "Girlfriend? Oh great. Now your father has another child to hate. Lets go talk downstairs. Tell me more about her and what happened tonight. I don't want to wake them up."
Ali's POV
I still can't believe it. I just got raped by my girlfriends brother. What the fuck! I can still trust Ash though, right? "Enjoy your nap, baby?" Ash asks me. I jump a little not knowing she was awake. "I guess. I still can't believe what just happened. Your brother. Why would he do that to me?" "Don't worry Ali. I'm nothing like him. You can trust me. I'd never hurt you princess." "I can trust you Ash. I just can't keep thinking he's related to you!" "I know. I know. I absolutely hate him. Always have. This is the first time anyone's ever fought him off though. Also no one's ever called the cops. I'm so proud of how brave you are my warrior princess." "Thank you Ashy. Thank you for everything. Thank you for saving me my hero." I give her a soft kiss. "Now let's go downstairs. Your mom's home." Ash tells me and helps me up off my bed. We slowly walk dow the stairs and into the kitchen to see mom and Kyle talking. "Mom?" I say. "Hi sweetie." She responds. She come over to me and gives me a hug. Then she turns to Ashlyn. "You must be Ashlyn. Kyle was telling me wonderful things about you. I'm so happy to finally meet you." Mom says sticking her hand out for her to shake. "It's vey nice to meet you too." She says shaking my moms hand and flashing a charming smile. I love her smile. "Girls come sit down." She tells both of us, "I want to know what happened at the restaurant. Kyle told me what he knew, but it wasn't very much." "Umm.. well the first thing happened when I was coming out of the bathroom. He stopped me on my way back to the table. I escaped easily that time." I take a deep breath and take Ash's hand. "Then when we were walking back to the bus, I was the first one to walk out of the restaurant. When no one else had walked out yet, he grabbed me and took me into the woods behind the building... I think you know what happened next. Then the cops came and took him." By the end, I have tear rolling down my face. Ashlyn is rubbing my thigh and it helping me calm down a lot. "Do you know who the guy was?" Mom asks me. "Umm... he's my brother. That's why I hate him." Ashlyn tells her. We just talk for a little longer. I'm so happy that mom like Ashlyn.

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