I'll Miss You (Part 2)

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Ash's POV
I hear the doorbell ring, so I get up and stop thinking about Ali. "Yo, Ash!" I forgot I invited Sydney over. Seeing her again with the Pride, brought us back to being best friends. "Hey Syd," I say in a not super enthusiastic voice. She walks up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Ash, I know every time you go to open that door, you want it to be her. Don't get your hopes up every time, but she's gonna come back. Just give it time." "I've already given it six years! I...I can't lose her again." I break down, sobbing into Syd's shoulder, as we make our way to the couch. We turn on the TV, and just decide to live in the moment. After a few hours of laughing, the doorbell rings again. "Don't get your hopes up," Syd says right as I near the door. I see Alex on the other end of the door frame. "Hey Ash...and Syd. I'm bored," Alex tells us. "You're welcome to stay for a while," I tell her. "Oh, and I need to show you something," Alex says, and takes out her phone. She holds it up and shows it to us, but specifically me. My eyes light up at the sight. Ali's Twitter. A picture of her with the caption. Heading back where I belong.
Hey! Thanks for reading. Just a quick filler chapter to hold you off longer. Part 3 coming soon!

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