Take Care of Her

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Ash's POV
Things don't always go as planned. Take today for example. My parents beat me when I got home. I'm helplessly lying on the ground in my front yard, waiting for someone to help me. I'm to exhausted to get up. I try to lift my head up, but my vision is blurred. I see a car pass by. They stop and get out of their car, heading towards me. I feel them kneel down beside me, and hover over me. From what I can see with my two black eyes, I recognize the person as Ali. "Ash? What happened to you?" She asks me lovingly. "My parents decided it would be fun to beat me as soon as I walk through the door," I tell her once verge of tears. I don't want her to have to see me like this. "We're going to my house to take care of this. I'm sure my mom will let you stay with us. Do you think you can walk?" "I'll try, but you're gonna have to help me." She takes my hands and sets me up gently. I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. "Al, my ribs hurt," I say. She lifts my shirt a little bit to look at them and as soon as she sees them her eyes widen.
Ali's POV
My eyes widen at the sight of Ashlyn's ribs. I hate seeing her in pain. "Ash, your entire stomach is black and blue," I tell her. She groans. "Can we go to your house now? I'm hungry and tired and want you to take care of me." I laugh and help her to the car. We arrive at my house and my mom's not home yet. Great. We walk inside and hear Kyle blasting music from his room. Ashlyn covers her ears and sits on the couch. I run up to my brother's room and pound on the door. He opens it. "I'm guessing you just want me to turn the music down right?" He asks me. "Yes and I also need your help. Ashlyn's hurt. Badly." I fill him in on the way downstairs. I see Ash asleep on the couch where I left her. I gently shake her awake. "Ash, I need you to come upstairs so we can take care of your ribs and cuts." "Help me?" I nod and help her up. We walk to the upstairs bathroom. She carefully sits down on the counter while Kyle and I get some wraps and ointments. As soon as we get back to Ashlyn, the front door opens and I hear my mom's voice. "I'll go fill her in and ask if she can stay with us. You take care of her," He says and leaves. I make my way beck to the bathroom. "Baby?" Ash asks me. "Yes love?" "Everything hurts. A lot." "I know baby. I'm gonna wrap up your ribs and clean your cuts. It might hurt a little. Please stay strong for me." She nods. I take her shirt off so I can wrap up her ribs. She closes her eyes so she can focus on something else other than the pain. I slowly start to wrap them up and by the end of it, she has tears flowing down her face. I put ointment on her cuts. "Thank you princess. Thank you for always taking care of me." "I'll always be here for you. Whenever you need someone you have me. Thank you for being strong for me baby," I say and give her a passionate kiss I've been wanting all day. "I think we should go ask your mom if I can stay with you guys. I really can't go back home."

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