Brother Trouble

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A/n: trigger warning
Ali's POV
We're on the team bus, on our way to a team dinner after practice. Once we get to the restaurant and order our food, I get up to go use the bathroom. I quickly use it and as I'm walking out, this dude stops me. "Hey there beautiful." He winks. I try to get away from him, but he won't let me. "Get away from me." I try. "Aw. Your not getting rid of me until I get your number." I quickly escape his grasp, and speed walk back to the table before he can stop me. I return to my seat next to Ash and take her hand under the table. "What's wrong?" She asks me. "Some guy kept trying to get me to give him my number and I had to escape." She just puts her hand on my thigh, kisses my cheek and we resume to eating. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the guy that stopped my fuming in the corner and his eyes went wide when Ashlyn kissed my cheek. When we're done eating, I'm the first one to walk out of the restaurant. I feel someone suddenly grab me and cover my mouth, so my screams are muffled. He pulls me into the woods behind the building. "HELP!!!" I scream when he takes his ha d off of my mouth. "Shut up." He barks and starts punching me. He tries to take my shirt of, and that's when I realize he raping me. I scream for help a few more times, and every time I do, he punches me hard. He gets my shirts off and tries to pull of my bra, but I try my best to stop him. By this point I have tears streaming down my face nonstop. I need Ash.
Ash's POV
When I walk out of the restaurant and I don't see Ali anywhere. She's not on the bus, and I start to get worried because she walked out before anyone else on the team did. I hear a scream for help. "Guys, did you just hear someone scream for help?" Carli asks. I hear it again. "It's Ali." I say worried. "It's coming from behind the building. Lets go." Pinoe tells everyone. We all run behind the building with me and Syd leading them. Behind the building, we see woods. "Someone's back there." Christen says. I start to run forwards, but Hope pulls me back. "It could be dangerous. Lets go together. We don't know who's back there." She says. "Whoever it is he has Ali." I say with a worried voice. We all start to slowly walk forward and when we're close enough, I can't believe what I'm seeing. I see Ali with a guy. She is shirtless and is trying to fight off the guy. He's raping her. "Guys. He's raping her who is that?" Christen asks with a scared tone as we inch closer. I finally realize who it is. It's not the first time he's done this. "No..." I say. "What do you mean. You know who that is." HAO says and everyone is shocked. "Is that who I think it is...?" Tobin asks me. She's the only one who knows he's done this. "Start to sprint to where he and Ali are. "CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF HER NOW!!!" I yell at my brother. Yeah that's right, my brother has raped a lot of my friends. I hate him for that. That's why my parents kicked him out. He stops when he sees me and I run to Ali. She's on the ground crying and trembling. I sit her up and block a punch from my brother. I punch him and pin him on the ground. The rest of the team runs over and keeps him pinned while I go comfort a terrified Ali. I see Becky pull out her phone and call 911. When I sit next to my girlfriend, she just wraps her arms around me and sobs into my chest. "Shh shh I'm here now. He's not gonna hurt anymore princess. I'm here." I sooth. Her breathing starts to slow down as the cops arrive. She just leans against a tree and holds my hand.  The police ask us some questions and finally drag Chris into a cop car. "I hate you dyke. Ashlyn I will get you back for this. Even if it's the last thing I do." He yells as they slam the car door. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. "Come on baby, lets get you home." I say to Ali, trying not to cry anymore. We all rush onto the bus that drops us off at the school. Ali gets in my car and we drive to her house. She holds onto me the whole drive, still trembling. Ali hands me her house key so I open the door. We walk in, Ali's arms wrapped around my waist. Kyle is sitting on the couch and looks like he's waiting for something or someone. "K-Kyle?" Ali stutters through tears. He rushes over to us. "Omg what happened?" "She got raped." I quickly whisper in his ear. His eyes widen, but quickly changes his expression to worried. We walk upstairs to Ali's room. We all sit on her bed comforting her until we all fall asleep. Ali in the middle, me and Kyle's arms around her. What's feels like a few minutes later, there's a knock on the bedroom door and I see Kyle get up to go get it. I just stay here trying not to wake Ali. I know she doesn't want to be alone.

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