Getting to Know You

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Ash's POV
Day one, done. Yesterday Ali came over after practice. She said she wanted to make some more friend early in the year and she really hit it off with the rest of the team too. We got to know each other more after a few hours of talking and I think we're gonna be pretty close. She really is beautiful and just the sweetest person I've ever met. I also caught her staring at me a few times and we would both blush. Does she like me back? Today is a day off of school. The team is having an unofficial team bonding at one of my best friends houses- a junior, Sydney Leroux. I'm snapped out of my thought when the doorbell rings. I know it's Ali, I invited her over to hangout before Syd's house. I run downstairs opening the door out of breath. "Hey Ash! Why are you so out of breath? It looks like someone's excited to see me." She teases. "Just come in before I slam the door in your face." She laughs and walks in. After a few hours of talking and a little flirting, we get arrive at Sydney's house. Ali knocks and Kelley opens the door and lets us in. Everyone's sitting in the living room. The last ones to arrive are Tobin and Christen. They walk in laughing and smiling, so I smirk at Tobin and she just rolls her eyes at me. Syd announces that we're gonna play truth or dare. My shoulder slump. "What's wrong Ash?" Ali whispers into my ear. "This team likes to get down and dirty." I shrug. Ali laughs and we sit in a circle on the ground after we walk down to the basement. "I'll start! Down and dirty!" Syd says. "Hope, truth or dare?" "Truth." Hope says. "What's the dirtiest dream you've ever had?" Sydney asks her. "Fucking someone here. And before you ask, I'm not telling you who." She says and turns red. Everyone else laughs. "Shut up. It my turn. Tobin, truth or dare?" Hope asks annoyed with everyone. "Dare." Tobin says. "I dare you to kiss Christen." Hope says with a smirk. Tobs and Chris both turn red and Tobin walk over to her. She quickly pecked her lips, blush and walk back to her spot leaving Christen sitting there speechless. "Kelley, truth or dare?" "Truth!" Kelley answers. "Who's your crush?" Tobins asks smirking. "Hope." Kelley mumbles. Hope blushes at the mention of her name. "Wow Kells! You made Hope blush! I didn't think the was possible!" Carli laughs and smirks at Hope. "Ok. Ali, truth or dare." "Dare." Ali responds anxiously. "I dare you to spend the rest of this and the rest of the games we play sitting in Ash's lap." Ali blushes and crawls into my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist. We play a few more round and decide to play never have I ever, Ali still in my lap. A few people go grab water for everyone so we could play the game with them. "I'll start!" Kelley announces. "Never have I ever had a crush on a girl." Kelley questions. I take a sip of water. I see Ali take a sip, along with Tobin, Christen, Kelley, Hope, Morgan, Meghan, Becky, and Alyssa. I really hope I was the girl Ali liked. I also had no idea Becky and Alyssa liked each other, at least I'm assuming they do since they were the only ones left. After a few more hours of playing, Ali invites me over to hangout. Of course I say yes.
Ali's POV
Syd's house was crazy, but really fun. I'm just glad I didn't have to kiss anyone like Tobin and Christen did. I love the team and this town. I also really like Ashlyn, like the biggest crush I've probably ever had in anyone! I invited her over and I'm debating whether I should tell her I like her or not. I mean, I think she likes me back, but I could be wrong. The car ride is finally over and we walk into my house. I tell Ash to wait in my room, while I grab water for both of us. When I walk into the kitchen I see a face I haven't seen in a few years. "Kyle?!" I say in shock that I'm seeing my brother again. "What at you doing home?" I ask him. "I wanted to come see you. Can we grab dinner later and catch up?" "Sure! But right now I gotta go. I invited a friend over. They're waiting in my room and I'm supposed to be getting water." "I'll be back tonight. We need to talk. Like serious talk. Something important. Have fun with your 'friend'." He says. He winks and leaves. I grab two bottles of water and head upstairs to my room. "Hey! Sorry I took so long. My brother was home and I haven't seen him in a few years. I was just shocked to see him. He said we need to talk at dinner tonight, so I guess that means we only have a few hours with each other." I tell her. "That's fine Al. But speaking of needing to talk, I need to tell you something." She says nervously. I nod. I wonder what she needs to tell me. "Ali, I know we just met, but I feel like I've know you forever. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I really like you Ali, more than I have ever liked one else. I completely understand if you don't like me back, but-" Before she can finish, I smash our lips together. It's a short, but passionate kiss. She pulls away in shock, and I just blush and smile. "Ashlyn?" "Yeah?" "W-will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course babe. Can I kiss you again?" I just kiss her and it feels so right.

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