A New Addition

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Ali's POV
I'm so happy to be back. I've only been back for a two days, but I missed home so much. I look over at the beautiful sleeping woman next to me. Damn, how did I get so lucky? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear quiet noises. I shake Ash awake. "Hmmm," she groans. I hear the noise again, and she shoots up. We jump out of bed and try to find out what the noise is. We cautiously poke our head out into the hallway. I see a small black puppy, whimpering as it runs into walls, not really knowing how to walk well. Suddenly, the puppy collapses, letting out a small cry. I run down the hall, pick it up, and walk back the my girlfriend. "Do you think it's lost?" I ask her. "Maybe. I've never seen anyone with this cute little fella," she answers, tickling the dog in my arms. After extensive research, we find out the puppy is a female cane coral mastiff, and that there are no missing puppies in the area. "Ashy, can we keep her. Please, please, please, please, please?" I beg, with puppy dog eyes. "Al, I don't know." I look up at her, with the saddest expression on my face. "Awww, how can I say no to either of you," Ash says referring to me and the dog. We give the small tired dog some food, and she cuddles into a blanket and falls asleep. Ashlyn and I go back to bed and do the same, since it's only 4:00 a.m.
The next morning
I wake up to a small creature on my chest. I open my eyes and see the puppy resting on me and Ashlyn hovering above me. We get up, eat breakfast, and decide to just hangout at home. "Babe, What should we name her?" I ask Ashlyn. "Actually, I had a dream about her last night. Her name was Logan. Logan Krieger-Harris," she responds. I just smile, and kiss her. "Babe, it's perfect." We go out and buy leashes, collars, toys, and food for Logan, and schedule an appointment at the vet. When we get home, we play with her for a few hours, until Ash suggests we invite some of our friends over. We decide on Tobin and Christen. They're in town, and I haven't seen them since I left for Germany. We want to surprise them, so I hide in our bedroom with the dog. About five minutes later, I her the door open and the two girls greet Ashlyn. "I have a surprise for you guys," I hear my girlfriend say from the living room. That's my cue. I poke my head through the door, and make sure Logan doesn't follow me. I step out of the bedroom and shut the door behind me. They hear the door shut and the spin around. They gasp and run towards me, pulling me into a giant hug. "I missed you so much," they say in unison. "I missed you guys too. A lot," I respond. When we're all settled on the couch, and have caught up a bit, I think now is a good time. "Hey Ash, wanna go get the second surprise?" She nods, and starts to head into the bedroom, where Logan is. As she walks in carrying the small puppy, Christen and Tobin are already hugging her. The rest of that night, we all got calls back to camp in a few weeks, and I finally have my best friends with me again.

^^^This is Logan^^^

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^^^This is Logan^^^

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