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Ali's POV
It was great seeing a bunch of my old teammates yesterday. Apparently, Alyssa and Becky hooked up last night. It's about time that happened. Christen and Tobin are back to being an adorable couple. I guess they talked it out. Ashlyn will barely talk to me. I can't tell her I still love her, I just can't. She chose to end things. She didn't let me share my side of the story. Why is she my roommate? There are twenty two other girls, and of course I'm stuck with my ex. The second day of camp. Not much can go wrong I guess. It's our free day, so to this team, that means team bonding all day. I head down to the meeting room after breakfast, and meet up with the rest of the girls. Ashlyn was already here. Mostly everyone is. I take a seat on the other side of the room from Ashlyn, and we start the game when everyone arrives. "Truth or dare time!" Rose yells. Some people get excited and others don't. I don't mind this that much. Just as long as they don't make me and Ashlyn do anything. "I'll start, we're also playing dirty, so you better be prepared," Rose says, this time in a calmer tone. "Sonnett, truth or dare?" "Umm...dare," Emily responds. "Go kiss Lindsey," Rose smirks. She just blushes and gets up. She plants a small kiss on Lindsey's lips, and walks back to her spot. After a few more rounds, someone picks Ashlyn. "Ash, truth or dare?" "Truth," she responds. The Ashlyn I knew, would never choose truth. It was always dare. Was. "What was the worst breakup you've ever had?" "Um...well, I dated this girl when I was a sophomore in high school. We dated for a few months, and those quickly turned into the best months of my life. One day, after soccer practice, I was walking out of the locker room, and saw her kissing some jock. I broke up with her after that. I never tho that I'd see her again. I guess I was wrong." Hearing that broke my heart again. I know that's what she thought I did, but I never thought I'd hear that story be told again. "What do you mean? You never though you'd see her again, but you were wrong?" Sam asks her. "Yes. The person I'm talking about is here right now. A lot of this team knows exactly what happened," Ashlyn explains. "Who was it?" Mal quietly asks. Ashlyn just makes intense eye contact with me, and lets them figure out it was me by themselves. "Ali?" A few people mutter under their breath. She nods and takes a deep breath. She stands up, walks over, and sits next to me. "I'm sick of waiting. I need to hear what really happened. The Ali I knew, would never cheat." "Why do you think I cheated on you?" I ask her in a soft questioning tone. "Because I saw what you know I saw." I'm getting super impatient. "You really wanna know what happened? It was the same thing that happened the other two times! You were just to selfish to care," I yell at her, muttering the last part. I run out of the room, tears streaming down my face.
Ash's POV
Hearing Ali say that, I realized how badly I messed up. The same thing that happened the other two times. Rape. Brent, Chris, and now some random jock who I don't know the name of. I put my head in my hands as Ali ran out of the room. "I fucked up," I mutter as I stand up to go find her. I walk out of the room, and I see Ali sitting against the meeting room wall. Seeing her crying so much breaks my heart even more. I sit down next to her, and take her hands in mine. I hear and see the team watching us, but I don't care. "I'm sorry Al, I'm sorry about everything. I should've let you explain sooner. I never should've let you go. I just need to know one thing. Do you still love me?" I ask her. "Of course I love you Ash. I was heartbroken when you left me. I need the love of my life back," she says, in the cutest expression and voice. "I love you Ali. I never thought I would miss someone so much. Al, will you please be my girlfriend again? I miss you like crazy." She smiles. "I'd love to be your girlfriend again." We stand up and hug each other. And finally once again, the best feeling. The one I've missed more than anything. With the entire team cheering behind us, the feeling of her lips on mine.

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