Never Thought It Would Happen (Part 2)

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Ash's POV
A lot of laughter and crying. Can the moment get any better? As I slipped the ring on to my now fiancé's finger, she pulled me up into a passionate kiss. "I love you so much," Ali mumbles against my lips. "I love you more." "Not possible." We softly kiss, and hop down from the rocks. "Should we tell the team?" I ask. "If they don't notice the ring by the end of the day, then we'll actually make and announcement." We make our way back to the hotel, and go straight to lunch. We spent more time out than I thought we would. We're the last people to arrive, so we grab our food and sit down. Within the first five seconds, we're bombarded by questions. Eventually, Vlatko has to shut them up. "Girls, I know you're not late, but you almost were. Where were you?" He asks us. "We we're exploring in the woods behind the hotel," Ali answers. I just nod in agreement. "Did Ashlyn propose?" He asks, eyes wandering to the ring. "What makes you think that?" My fiancé answers smirking. "Ali, the ring says it all." "Than, that would be correct," a say from behind Ali, wrapping my arms around her. Everyone jumps on us, and it eventually turns into a giant group hug.
A few weeks after camp
Ali's POV
Ashlyn said she had a surprise for me that would be here any minute. When the doorbell suddenly rings, Ashlyn get up to answer the door. After a few seconds, I get up, and slowly make my way to the door. I see my mom and brother on the other side of the door. I immediately rush towards them, and tightly hug them. I haven't seen them since before I left for Germany. They also don't know Ash and I got engaged, so we should probably let them know that. I smile at my fiancé, who is now standing behind my family. We make our way over to the couch, and get into a conversation. The doorbell rings again, and that's when I remember I invited Ashlyn's parents to come, because I know she really misses them. I m pulled into a hug by Mike and Tammye when I open the door. I lead them to to living room and Ash immediately shot up, and hugged them tight. My family also got up and hugged Ashlyn's parents. They haven't seen each other in almost seven years. "I feel like we should see each other more often, considering our daughters are dating," Tammye comments. "There might be a little more to that," Ash says. Now all eyes are on us. I smirk and slowly raise my left hand, revealing the ring. They all gasp. Kyle darts towards me, picks me up, and spins me around. When he puts me down, he pulls Ashlyn into a hug, as the parents come to admire the ring. The rest of the day was one of the best I've spent with my family in a while.
First of all, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE ACTUALLY MARRIED! All of my dreams are finally coming true. Also, I'm thinking about starting another book, so I might update this one a little less. If you have any suggestions for the rest of this one, please let me know what they are. Thanks for reading!

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