Never Thought It Would Happen

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Ali's POV
Life is stressful. Camp is today, and we still have to figure out what to do with Logan. We can't just leave her at home, so I think we're settled on leaving her at my mom's house. Even though Satellite Beach is an hour away, we'll make the drive down before we head to the airport. "Ash, we have to go!" I shout. She comes out of our bedroom a few seconds later with her suitcase. Once we finally get our dog to go in the car, after the hour long drive, we hand her over to my mom. Then, we finally get to the airport, go through security, meet up with Alex, and fly to California, where the camp is held. We get our bags and get a cab to the hotel. We head straight to the meeting room and I'm bombarded by the rest of the team. I forgot I haven't been to camp in six years. After a few minute of socializing, Vlatko comes in, and starts his little speech. "Ladies, this camp is nothing serious. We only have two games, and I have a little surprise. I invited some of your old friends to practice with us. So, please welcome the rest of the Satellite High soccer team!" The door swings open, revealing all of the old teammates I haven't seen in forever. We all run to our old friends, and I run straight to the one I've missed the most. Heather O'Reilly. "I missed you HAO." "I missed you too Kriegy." "So, ladies," our coach continues once we all sit down. "I'm going to mix up the roommates between the two teams." He puts the paper with all of the roomies out, and I'm glad to see that HAO's mine. We grab our bags and head up to our room to catch up before dinner. "So, I see you and Ash tolerate each other again. Did you guys get back together?" Heather asks me once we unpack our stuff. "Yeah, we did. I see a great future with her. We also just adopted a dog," I tell my friend. "Awww. That's adorable! Can I see a picture?" I show her cute pictures of Logan, and HAO immediately fell in love with her. "Maybe you can come down to Orlando and meet her. Anything special happening in your life?Last time I saw you was at your wedding." "Not much happened." We chat for a little longer, and then head to dinner. We grab our food, and both sit at a table with Ash, Pinoe, Syd, and Hope. We all talk and catch up. I loved seeing all of my old friends again.
The next morning
Today is our free day. Ashlyn said to meet her in the lobby after breakfast, because she wants to take me somewhere. HAO and I walk down to breakfast together laughing the whole way down. We grab our food and eat. After breakfast, I go back up to my room to change. I want to look perfect for Ash. I put on a pair of dark jeans and a light jean jacket with a T-shirt underneath. I do my makeup (with lots of mascara) and fix my hair. I take the elevator down to the lobby, and see my girlfriend waiting for me. She looks great. "Where are we going?" I ask as we walk out of the hotel. "It's a surprise princess. Just be patient." We walk through the woods that are behind the building and we walk over to a bunch of giant rocks, at the top of a hill. Ash climbs on top of one, and holds her hand out to help me up. I smile and grab it. The view is unbelievable. I see a beautiful valley down below. "How did you find this place?" I breath out. "Hope and I went exploring last night, and I just had to let you see this." I smile at her response and give her a soft kiss. Ash pulls out her phone and we start taking selfies and pictures of each other. "One last selfie before we head back," Ash says after taking a few pictures of me. I get up from my position and stand next to my girlfriend. Once she's about to take the picture, she holds up an object. I can't tell what it is from the angle I'm at, so I turn. I gasp at what I see. She's holding a ring. She smiles and gets down on one knee. "I love you Ali. You're the sweetest, most beautiful person I've ever met. I want to build a future with you. I want you to be the person I spend the rest of my life with. So Ali, will you marry me?"
Thanks for reading! Part 2 coming soon. Also I can't believe the Krashlyn wedding is today! Check Ali, Ashlyn, and Kyle's social media's for some great, adorable content.

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