Just Do It

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Ash's POV
More team bonding. More truth or dare. It's basically all the team ever does, but I love it. I also really hope me and Ali can come out this way. Like saying someone dares one of us to kiss the other, we just do it. We are in Ali's living room, waiting for Christen and Tobin to get here. Ali only agreed to this because her mom is on a 'get away from your ex husband trip' and won't be home for a few days. A few minutes later they do, and we start playing. "Truth or dare! I'll start!" Kelley squeals as soon as the later comers sit down. "Alyssa, truth or dare?" "Truth." Alyssa responds. "Do you have a crush on Becky?" Kell smirks. Alyssa and Becky both blush. "Yes." She quickly responds, and since she is sitting next to Alyssa, Becky leans over and kisses her cheek. Alyssa just sits there in shock. "YOUR TURN LYS!" I shout from across the room after a few seconds of silence. "Well Ash, since you're so impatient, truth or dare?" "Dare." I say. Ali and I agreed that we would both choose dares, so one of them would most likely be to kiss. "Kiss Ali." She smirks. I just smile and lean over to my girlfriend who everyone thinks is just my crush. "We can come out this way." I whisper in her ear. She just nods and kisses me. When we pull apart, they're all in shock. "What?" Ali questions. "You two. That was long. Are you guys together." We just nod and they are even more shocked.
Ali's POV
Ashlyn and I just came out to the team, and it feels like a huge weight was just lifted off my shoulders. I don't have to hide anything anymore! Suddenly, the door opens revealing my brother holding a suitcase. He just waves, ignoring the team, and goes up to his room. "I'm gonna go see what he's up to." I tell everyone. I walk up to his room and knock, assuming that's where he went. "COME IN!" Kyle yells. I open the door and walk inside. He is unpacking his stuff. "Your moving back!?" I say shocked that he decided to come and live with me and mom again. "Mom's letting me move back in since dad left. At least we have on accepting parent." He tells me and hugs me. "I'm happy to have you back in my life Ky." I say to my older brother. "Now I gotta go. I can't keep my team waiting any longer." "Wait, what are you guys doing down there?" "Truth or dare, but this team plays dirty. It's pretty funny." I say and walk back to my seat next to Ash. "Who's the dude? Some secret boyfriend Ash doesn't know about?" Syd asks smirking. I feel Ash tense, so I put my arm around her. "He's my brother. He's finally moving back home after being kicked out by my dad." I say, the last part saying softly. Ash calms down, and put an arm around me, knowing what I'm going through. "Why'd your dad kick him out?" Christen squeaks. "I don't really wanna talk about it right now. When I'm ready, I will." I let a tear roll down my cheek. Ashlyn wipes it away with her thumb and kisses my cheek. After a few more rounds of the game, everyone except Ash, Tobs, and Chris leave. We're just in my room talking until Christen starts talking. "So, you and Ash, huh?" She says smirking. "Yeah. So what's up with you and Tobs?" I say wiggling my eyebrows with a smirk on my face. "Ok, please don't tell anyone, but we are together." Tobin says. "I knew it!" Ashlyn yells, pumping her fists in the air. We all just laugh. I hear the doorbell ring and Kyle shouting that he'll get it. I hear the door open and yelling. More yelling. The door slams and Kyle runs into my room. "Brent's here. He won't leave. He has the gun." He whispers in my ear. I gasp not wanting the memories to come back. Brent is my ex boyfriend. We broke up when he tried to kill me. Literally kill me with a gun. Christens phone rings and she whispers something to Tobin. "We have to go." Is all they say and walk out of the room followed by Kyle. I just collapse into Ash and sob into her. She rubs my back and asks me what's going on. I tell her the whole story. The story about how he tried to kill me.
*flash back*
He said he had a surprise for me. He came back with a gun. He pointed it at me. "This is for your own good Alexandra. You ruined my life!" I tried to escape. I ran toward the door, but he pulled me back. He punched me until I fell. He almost shot me. His finger on the trigger. Kyle walked in. He saved me.
*end of flashback*
We were both in tears. "Your safe with me princess. I would never hurt you. He'll never hurt you again. You have me." Ashlyn coos. I feel so safe in her arms. I've never felt this way with anyone else. With anyone else I've dated. It feel just so right. Like we're meant to be together.

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