Back in Your Life

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Ash's POV
My fifth day of staying at Ali's house. I never hear from my mom or dad anymore. My addictive haven't cared about me since I was in eight grade. They haven't called or texted me. They never even say "I love you" anymore. I feel like I'm nothin their life. The only real family I have left is my stupid brother who I absolutely hate. Whenever I try to go home, they either beat me or kick me out. I miss them. The real them. The parents I used to know who actually cared about me. What can I do to make them sober? It seems like nothing can take them away from alcohol. I think the last time my mom called me was to ask me for money to buy more drinks. That was about a year ago. The Krieger's are my second family. They actually care about me. They make me feel loved. Especially Ali. There's one question I keep asking myself. Is it? Is it true love? I've never felt like this with any of my past girlfriends and boyfriends. It always feels like we're meant to be together. I glance over at the beautiful sleeping princess exhausted from soccer practice. Man, how did I get so lucky. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rings. I run into the bathroom, so I don't wake Ali. I look at the caller ID. Why was my mom calling me!? I hesitate before I answer, prepared to hear yelling on the other end of the phone.
A=Ash T=Tammye (Mom)
A: Mom?
T: Hi Ash.
A: Woah. You actually sound normal. Like not drunk. Are you finally sober?
T: Yes. I finally cut down because I realized how much I missed my family. I went sober so it wouldn't happen again. I miss spending time with you Ashlyn. I miss my family. I remember every single bad thing I did to you and I'm extremely sorry about all of it. Please forgive me. Your father is sober now too. I convinced him. I hope you know I love you Ash. I'm sorry I haven't said it in forever.
A: I forgive you Mom. I hope you know I love you too. Do you think we can meet up later. I really wanna talk to you in person.
T: I'd love that. Also if you don't mind I would really like it if you came home. Also who are you staying with?
A: I'm staying with my girlfriend's family. They've become my second family. I'd love to come home.
T: That's sweet. How about you move back later? And bring your girlfriend with you. I wanna meet her. Hopefully she's nice.
A: That sounds great Mom. I'm sure she'd love to meet you and Dad. I'll go ask her and get my stuff together. I'll be there by six.
We talked for a little longer. I told her a little bit about Ali. I finally hung up, excited for my parents to finally acknowledge me. I walk back out to the bedroom. Ali is still asleep. She looks like an angel when she sleeps. I walk over to her and sit on the edge of her bed. I run my fingers through her silky hair. I lean down and softly kiss her to wake her up. I fell her kiss back so I definitely know she's awake. "Hello there princess." "Hey babe." "So there's something I need to ask you." "What is it," She asks anxiously. "So my Mom just called me. She and my Dad both went sober. They want me to move back home later and they also want to meet you. Will you come?" "Sure." I smile and kiss her. I get up and gather my things. When I'm done, we walk downstairs and I say goodbye to Debbie and Kyle. We hop in my car and drive to my house. I decide to bring my stuff in later, so Ali and I just walk to the door. I knock and I finally see my Mom and Dad on the other side of the door. I finally see them looking not drunk. They run to me and hug me. I finally feel loved. When they pull away from me, they turn to Ali. "You must be Ali," Mom says. "Yeah. It's nice to meet you." We walk inside and chat for a little longer. I'm so glad that Ali and my parents hit it off so well. "I'm very glad Ashlyn finally brought home someone nice," Dad comments. Ali just laughs. Then we hear the door open. "Who is that?" Mom says with worry in her voice. "Oh, so you don't recognize your own son," The man says. It's my brother!s voice. Shit. I feel Ali tense and move closer to me. I just wrap my arms around her. "Leave Christopher," Mom angrily says to him. "I just came here for one thing. You will give it to me," Chris smirks. "And what might that one thing be?" Dad says annoyed. "Ali," My brother responds. Ali just moves even closer to me. "I'm not giving her to you. You've tortured her enough. How did you even get out of jail," I yell at him. "That part's not important." He walks over to me and tries to pry Ali from my arms. She moves away from me, stands up, and punches my brother. He just looks at her shocked and runs out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Ali plops on the couch. She rolls over to me and hides her face in my chest. I explain the situation to my parents and I take Ali to my room and calm her down.

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