Family Time

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Ali's POV
Today is the day that my family is going to meet Ashlyn's. I hope it goes well. Ash's parents are really nice and Mom and Kyle are really good with people, so I think they're going to hit it off. I hear the doorbell ring. Ash's here! I hop up from the couch and walk to the door. I'm greeted with a hug by Ash's parents and a kiss by Ashlyn. Mom and Kyle come over and hug my girlfriend, before going over and introducing themselves to Mike and Tammye. We got into a conversation and it was going great. I'm sitting on Ash's lap, as we talk about soccer. I hear the doorbell ring again. Huh, that's weird. No one ever come to our house unless they're invited over. I get up to get it. I open the door cautiously, and try to slam the door when I see who it is. With a gun. He blocks the slamming door with his foot and pulls me out side. I gasp quietly, scared of what he would do if I screamed. He tapes my mouth, handcuffs me, and throws me in the backseat of his car. He throws a piece of paper on the ground, and hops in the driver's seat. Paper trail. What's he gonna do to me?
Ash's POV
Ali's been at the door for ten minutes. It's really quiet. What's she doing? "Ali's been over there for a while. I'm gonna go see what she's up to," I tell everyone. I walk to the front door. She's gone. I run back to the living room. "She's not here. I need to go find her," I say. They're all shocked and worried. "Go find her Ash. Kyle go with her. It's safer that way," Debbie tells me and Kyle he nods and we walk to the door, looking for a trace of where she went. All we see when we go outside is a piece of paper. Kyle pick it up. "Paper trail," He whispers. I'm just confused. "Brent. He leaves a paper trail," He whispers more quietly. Her ex? The one who tried to kill her. My eyes widen at the statement. "She could be in serious trouble," I tell him. We hop in his car. "Where are we going Ky?" "His house." I nod anxiously. When we get there, we knock on the door. Brent answers. "Give me my sister!" Kyle yells at him. "HELP!" We hear from inside. Ali. Kyle fights him, while I sneak inside like Kyle told me to. I find Ali. Helplessly sitting on the ground. Chained to the wall. She turn her head to face me and her eyes light up. I hurry over and unchain her from the wall. She jumps up and hugs me tightly. I run her sticky, tear stained cheeks. I pick her up bridal style and she wraps her arms around my neck. "Kyle we're leaving." He pushes Brent inside his house and slams the door. He runs over to me and Ali, and hugs his sister who I'm still carrying. I set her down in the backseat of Kyle's car and sat down next to her. "Al, what happened?" I ask her. "Um.. so first things first, he was at the door when I went to open it. I grabbed me and pulled me outside. He threw me in his car and drove me to his house. He chained me to the wall so I couldn't escape. Then he...he," by this point Ali was in tears. "The same thing Chris did, but worse. I couldn't fight him," She continued. I wrap my arms around her aa Kyle drives back to his house. When we walk inside, Debbie rushes over and hugs all three of us. "You girls go upstairs, Kyle explain what happened," Deb said. Ali and I walk to her room and she plops down on her bed. "Why does this keep happening to me?" She says with fear and anger in her voice. "I don't know baby. I don't know," I tell her. "I love you Ashy. Thank you for saving me, my hero." "I love you too, Princess. I'll always be there for you."

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Just want to have a fun little challenge. Based on my writing, how old do you think I am. Comment your guesses!

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