I'll Miss You (Part 3)

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Ash's POV
I stare at her post. Heading back where I belong. She finally decided to come back? Alex and Sydney just left. "If she comes back today, let us know," they said before they left. I sit down on my couch, staring at her post. I haven't checked her social media ever since we stopped keeping in touch. I decide to see what she was up to in Germany. I scroll through her instagram, looking at the old pictures. I guess she had a good time. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the doorbell rings. I know Syd told me not to get my hopes up, but knowing Ali's coming back to the US, it could be her. When I open the door, I barely have time to see the girl's face before she jumps into my arms. I just stand there for a minute wrapping one arm around her, and bring her bags inside with the other. I make my way over to the couch with the girl still attached to me me. God, I missed her so much. Ali finally lets go and studies my face. I do the same. Is it possible that she's even more beautiful than I remember? She suddenly crashes her lips onto mine. I'm a little shocked by the gesture, but again I forgot how much I missed the feeling. The kiss lasted until we both pulled apart for air. "Hey there," Ali giggled. Hearing her sweet angelic voice again brought tears to my eyes. The voice I've missed so much, now had an adorable German accent. "You came back," I whisper, pulling her into another tight hug. "I couldn't stay away any longer, but I couldn't come back until they let me. I'm sorry I stayed longer than I should have. I wish I could answer your calls, but my teammates kept teasing me because I almost cried after you hung up. Every time. I hope you never forgot how much I love you." I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. "Baby girl, it's okay. You don't have to keep saying you love me for me to know it. I knew you would come back one day, and I waited here for you just like I promised. I love you, Ali. I always have and I always will. I'm just happy you're here right now." Ali just pulls me into another kiss. I notice something on Ali's arm. She got a tattoo? I knew she wasn't the biggest fan of covering her body in ink, but her we are. The tattoo said Liebe. She follows my gaze to her arm and smiled. "I means love. It was the one thing that reminded me of you while I was gone. I also may have got more that just one tattoo." She explains, while I trace the tattoo on her arm, giggling. She shows me the rest of the tattoos she got, and I explain the meaning of some of the new ones I got. "Hey Als, Syd and Alex really wanna see you. Can I invite them over?" I ask my girlfriend on my lap. She just nods. "Sure, I really miss them too," she replies, so I text Sydney and Alex. A few minutes later they're at the door, walking into my apartment after I let them in. Ali runs straight into their arms. After we all sit down, Ali tells us about Germany. We talk for a few hours and that night was the best in six years. I was finally able to fall asleep with a beautiful girls in my arms, right where we both belong.

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