Hard Coversations

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Ali's POV
After Ashlyn left, Kyle came back home with a pizza in hand. "Hi Kyle. What do you need to talk to me about? You're not a serious type of person, so I'm a little scared." "Ali, has dad been around lately?" "No. Not for a few days." "That's what I need to talk to you about. Mom didn't wanna do it so I have to. Ali, our parent got divorced this weekend." I process his word repeating them in my head. I know my parents were fighting and I know why. My dad hates Kyle for being gay. I guess that means he hates me now too. I had never told him I was gay because I didn't want him to cause a bigger argument between mom and dad. I just sit on the couch in shock. I let a few tear roll down my checks. Kyle just pulls me into a hug and lets me sob into his chest. "Shh Al, it's gonna be okay.  Know you're gonna miss him." He tries to sooth. I just decide to tell him the truth. "Actually, I'm not gonna miss him. I'm just mad that he betrayed our family. I hate having a homophobe as a father who doesn't support his kids for who they are." I tell him. He just looks confused. "What do you mean his kids? He loves you Ali, he hates me for who I am, not you." "If he knew the truth, he would hate me too. Kyle...I'm gay." He just sits there for a minute. "Who else knows about this B?" "Well, I guess beside my entire soccer team, you're the first one to know. I haven't told mom yet. I probably should." "Yeah, you should. Are you dating anyone." "Y-yeah. Remember the friend I said was here earlier? We actually got together right before this." "Awww...tell me about her." "Ashlyn Harris. She's on my soccer team and we met on the first day of school and immediately became best friends but we're probably not gonna tell the team about us yet. I have to ask her that." "She sound sweet." "She really is. Are you moving back home, Kyle?" "No. I'm sorry. I'll still come visit you. I don't want our parents to come between our brother sister relationship."

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