Someone to Talk to

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Ali's POV
I still can't believe what Kyle told me last night. My parents got divorced. I told him I was gay. I'm so not going to school today. I really don't wanna worry Ash, but I just can't spend the day holding in my tears. I call Jill and tell her I won't be at practice.
Phone call:
Ali: Hi coach.
Jill: Hi Ali. What's going on?
Ali: I just want to let you know that I won't be at practice today. I have some family issues going on. I'm sorry.
Jill: Its fine Ali. I just need to know what the family issues are, so I know what's going on.
Ali: Well, last night I found out that my parents got divorced and it's just a little hard on me, so I'm taking a day to just collect myself.
Jill: Alright. I'll see you tomorrow Ali. Bye!
Ali: Bye.
I sigh and hang up the phone.
Ash's POV
I arrive at school. I see Tobin and Christen flirting by Tobin's locker. Ali is usually at her locker which is next to mine, but she's not there. I'm getting worried. The bell's gonna ring in five minutes for first period, and Ali's never late. "Tobs?" I say and she stops flirting with her crush. "Yes Ash?" "Have you seen Ali? She's never late and the bell's about to ring." "Nope. Sorry Ash." Then the bell rings.
Soccer practice
We sit on the field and wait for Jill to tell us what to do for drills. "Hi girls! Before I tell you what our drills are, I know some of you may have noticed that Ali is not here. She has some family issues going on that she prefers to keep private." Issues? What's going on?
Ali's POV
My eyes are red and puffy from crying. I look at the clock and practice is most likely over. They're probably in the locker room. I need some one to talk to. I text Ash to come over because I know she was probably worried about me when she saw I was t at school. A few minutes later the doorbell rings. I walk downstairs and open the door. When Ash sees me, she just wraps me in a hug and I cry into her chest. I wrap my legs around her waist and she carries me to the count and put me down, sitting next to me. She rubs my back. "You wanna talk about it." She asks. I just shrug and put my head on her shoulder. "Al, baby, what's going on?" "Last night, I found out my parents got divorced. My dad left us. I'm not gonna miss him, but I'm just really mad he betrayed my family. Why can't he just except his kids for who they are?" "What do you mean?" "Homophobia." She sighs and wraps her arms around me. "Can you spend the night Ashy? I don't wanna be alone." I give her puppy dog eyes. "How can I say no to that face? I'll text my mom that I won't be home. She won't notice I'm gone." A few hours later of comfort. We change and hop in my bed. I feel so safe in Ash's arms. I crawl on top of her and softly kiss her. I can never get enough of kissing her. "Babe?" I ask my girlfriend. "Yeah?" "Are we gonna tell anyone about us? I mean, I don't really want to, but if you do, we can." "I think we should just act normal and wait until we're both ready." "Ok! Night baby." "Goodnight Princess."

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