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Ali's POV
Our scrimmage just ended. Some how, I scored. I don't even know how it happened. The team is changing in the locker room, and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "Great job today, baby," Ash says from behind me. "Thanks babe." She gives me a peck on the cheek, and continues changing. I talk with Christen while I finish changing and we walk out of the locker room together laughing. I suddenly hear her stop laughing and there are muffled screams instead. I turn to see what happened and there's some jock holding her, with his hand over her mouth. He's running away, and as I'm about to run after them, someone grabs me, too. He runs away with me, and takes me behind a brick wall next to the locker room. They shove us up against it, and start to rape us. Why does this always happen to me?! Tears flow down my cheeks as he slaps me, as I'm trying to stop him. When he's done, he stands me up, pins me against a wall, and starts kissing me. I try so hard to fight it, but I'm trapped on all sides. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ashlyn and Tobin walking towards us. They're so mad at the sight of their girlfriends kissing some jocks. "What the fuck are you doing!?" They yell. The jocks stop kissing us. "Can't a guy kiss his girlfriend?" They respond. "I'm not you girlfriend!" Christen and I yell at them. They just slap us and go back to kissing us. Ashlyn pulls him away, punches him, and walks away fuming. "Ash!" I yell. I run up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off and keeps walking. "Ash, what's wrong?" I ask her. "What were you thinking, Ali? How could you!" She yells at me. "What do you mean!" "Don't play innocent. You were just kissing that jock! I thought I could trust you, Ali! I thought you loved me! I guess not. We're done." My heart just shattered into a million pieces. "What do you mean 'we're done'. Why can't you trust me. Just let me explain!" "No. Save it Alexandra. Don't talk to me, don't follow me. We're done." With that, she walks away. All the tears I have left are flowing down my face. I turn around to see a heartbroken Christen. She runs up to me and hugs me. She tells me that Tobin broke up with her and I tell her my side of the story. We just stand there in each others arms for a while. When we pull away, I notice something about my best friend. I notice how beautiful she is. When I pull myself out of my thoughts, I see her staring at me. "It's clear we both need someone, Al," she tells me. "We both do. I know it won't last, but I trust you. We really need it," I tell her. Next thing I know, I'm angrily locking lips with her. Something's missing. It doesn't feel right, but it helps. I run home after we pull apart, remembering that I rode to school with Ashlyn this morning. I think about all that just happened. The love of my life just broke up with me. I realize I'm crying again. I open the door, slam it behind me, and run to my room. I sit on my bed, crying all of the tears I have left. I hear the door slowly creak open and I see mom and Kyle make their way over to me. They sit on either side of me, and just hug me, obviously confused why I'm crying. "Honey, what happened? What's wrong?" Mom ask me. I guess I have to tell them. "A-Ashlyn b-broke up with me," I say between sobs. They just hold me closer.
Ash's POV
I can't believe it. The girl I thought was love of my life cheated on me. I thought I could trust her. I thought she loved me. I get home and run straight into my parents arms sobbing into them. "Ash, what happened?" Mom asks me, worried. "Ali cheated on me!" I say angrily. "What did she do?" Mom asks me, this time sounding angry. "She was kissing some jock after practice."
3rd Person POV
The rest of high school was a mess. Ali and Ashlyn wouldn't talk to each other except for on the field, during practice or a game. At Penn State, Ali became even closer friend ps with Alyssa and managed to become closer than ever with Christen. Neither ever brought up the kiss and rarely talked about Ashlyn or Tobin. At UNC, Ashlyn and Tobin maintained a strong friendship and Ash became best friends with Whitney. The girls both thought they would never cross paths again. They were wrong.

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