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Someone is definitely following me. I've seen my father's enforcers following me in the past, spying on me and reporting back. He characterizes them as "bodyguards." I haven't noticed them since last year though.

I'm skirting past a dorm, almost to the back door of my own, when suddenly I'm slammed against the building. The air whooshes out of me and for a second, I can't catch my breath. Rough brick is cutting into my cheek and my glasses snap and fall to the ground. He's behind me, twisting my arm, and I can't get a look at his face.

"Listen up, playboy," the guy growls sarcastically as he mashes my face into the brick wall.

This guy has an American accent. I'm stunned. My father's lethal assassins are all personally handpicked by him. Think John Wick, but with dead fish eyes.
I blurt out, "He hired local muscle?"

I could feel the guy pause, caught off guard by my question.

"Shut up! I do the talking. I'm here to deliver a message."

"From who?" This doesn't seem like my father. His people are very discreet, and so lethal they don't even have to threaten. They have conveyed lots of messages to me from my father, and never with violence. Their cold, reptilian eyes ensure everyone cooperates.

"Who do you think, dumbass ?"

"My father?"

"Yeah," he chuckles. "Your DADDY," he emphasizes it in almost a sexual tone.

What the fuck?! I'm debating with myself if I should fight back. With a black belt in taekwondo, I can hold my own with most people.
Is this Bo, Peyton's abusive ex? The voice doesn't really sound like his. But surely, my father wouldn't hire someone idiot enough to harm me.


"You leave Peyton out of this, " I say evenly.


Now I'm pissed. I'm opening my mouth to say something. when pain slams into my back and lances through my body, knocking me to my knees.


The motherfucker sucker punched me in the kidney. By the time I can look up, he is gone. After a couple of minutes of just breathing, the pain subsides enough for me to hobble back to my room.


I'm laying here mapping out all the scenarios, and groaning every now and then. Hopefully my kidney will be fine. If I have a lot of blood in my urine, I'll have to go to the infirmary. My father will find out, and the guy, if he hired him, will be dead. If it's Bo or his friend, they may be beaten half to death, or all the way to death, depending on my father's mood. I don't want that on my conscience.

If it's Bo, which most likely it is, there's no way in hell I'm leaving Peyton alone. She needs protecting.

If my father sent the guy, then what will I do? I don't think my father would hurt her, but I'm not sure. There's still a part of me that wonders if my mom's car wreck was an accident. That's my reality. My father possibly murdered Eomma. I can't put Peyton in danger. Maybe I should break things off to protect her.

On second thought, that's too dramatic for my father. If he found out I had a girlfriend, which to him would translate to "I'm not focused on school," he would solve the problem by making me go home. He's done it before. Two of his "bodyguards" would show up one day, and "escort" me back to Korea. I wouldn't even have a chance to say good-bye to her.

I feel tears pricking at my eyes. The thought of not seeing her hurts way more than I expected. That's the scariest part of all this. I think I might be falling in love.


Eeeeeeee! OMG!! 100 reads!! Im so excited you're reading this story. Thanks for reading through the mysteries till most😉 of the characters are revealed. Your likes and comments inspire me to keep going.

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