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Cassie's heart is pounding even though she and Jimin have slowed to a walk. Is it because he's still holding her hand as they walk along the beach? Their flirty, teasing vibe has somehow morphed into a quiet tension. This afternoon they spent a couple of hours hanging out - alone - and all Jimin did was play on his phone and nap while Cassie read a book.

It was chill, but he didn't make a move. He still hasn't even kissed her. Maybe it's how their little sex show ended.

"I don't see how you lick cold cum."

"I'd rather be licking your cum."

"I'm ready to return the favor, daddy." She wants to hide when she remembers it. Thank God he took it as joking around.

Jimin had licked her stomach and torso, careful to avoid her nipples, even though she was aching for him to touch them. "I can't eat any more or I'll be sick."

"It's ok. Just stop."

"We have almost a minute left."

"You could kiss me." Why the fuck had she said that!!

Then Jimin had said no. Her heart had just stopped.

His voice was the same silky, steady tone he had used throughout the ordeal. "No. Not here, not like this. Make no mistake, baby girl. I will kiss you.  And when I do, it will be just the two of us and you will be safe. Take care of me now. Pet my head and tell me I'm a good boy."

He had laid his cheek on her stomach, hands still cuffed behind his back, and she had threaded her fingers through his beautiful silver blond hair, caressing him like a lover. Then her stupid heart started fluttering.

And it hasn't stopped. She's been pretending, hard, that she's unaffected by Jimin, fine as friends or friends with benefits. Now though, her stupid hand is trembling almost as much as her stupid heart.

She knows Jimin is a billionaire playboy. She loves playboys. They have warning labels and won't break your heart because you know all along what you're getting. One heartbreak was enough to keep Cassie far away from entanglements called feelings.

"Playboy" is inadequate to even describe Jimin's level of detachment and expertise. His hobby is BDSM. But Jimin is also so much fun, kind, silly, caring. Why couldn't he be an asshole, so she could have a night of fun and be done with him?! What if that's all he wants, a night of fun? The feels need to go fuck themselves.

"Look! Look! The water." Jimin giggles like a delighted kid. The moon is rising, gold turning to silver, highlighting the whitecaps on the waves, and making them glow a pale aqua. As the waves break around their feet, the sparkle spreads onto the sand and glitters there for a bit before winking out.

"It's ... it's like fairy dust," Cassie marvels.

"It's bioluminescent algae in the water. One of the films in documentary class was about this. I never thought I'd see it in person."

"This is like a dreamscape. It's so gorgeous. I need a better word."


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