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Peyton and I FaceTimed Jimin a couple of days ago to make some plans for our Japan trip. He's been teasing me non-stop since then because I called her "noona" in front of him. The little shit knows I have a noona kink. Thank God he was charming with Peyton and not his usual perverted self. He swears he's still celibate. He wouldn't lie about it. He loves to share, in great detail, his more creative sexual adventures. The "vanilla" ones aren't worth discussing.

I miss Peyton. I haven't seen her since then. Two days seems like an eternity. So many fucking tests and papers and group projects. Now I know the truth behind the jokes that architecture students sleep under the library tables. Sometimes you gotta power nap and hit it again.

I check myself in the mirror before I head out. Peyton and I are meeting downtown for a study break. She told me to dress casual so she wouldn't look like a bum. She's always beautiful to me. My only jeans have rips and it's kinda cold out, so I'm wearing some hiking pants.

 My only jeans have rips and it's kinda cold out, so I'm wearing some hiking pants

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After coffee, we wander in and out of the little shops on the street. She's so cute. She looks only at the sale racks because she feels "smarter" when she doesn't pay full price. There's a powder blue dress coat I know she would look great in. When she slips it on, she looks like an angel.

"You've got to have it," I tell her.

She looks at the price tag. "No. Just no."

"I'm going to buy it."

"You cannot do that." She puts her hands on her hips.

"Yes I can. It's for me."

"You're going to wear it?" She makes a sassy, sarcastic face. So fucking hot.

"No. I'm going to look at you when you wear it. The photos of you in that blue coat under the pink cherry blossoms will be amazing."

She narrows her eyes at me, but knows she's beat. Then she comes over to me and pecks my cheek. "Thank you, baby." Her whisper gives me shivers and makes my dick kick. Oh god no. There is no room for a boner in these damn hiking pants.

I pay for our purchase and we decide to put it in her car so we can keep wandering the shops. She pauses to look in a shop window at something while I unlock the car and hang the coat up. When I turn back, she's talking to someone. A guy, but his back is to me.
I walk to stand beside her, trying not to come directly up behind him, because that's just awkward.

It's Bo. "Oh, hey. Joe, isn't it?" I put my hand out to shake. He leans back with a scowl. "It's Bo. And why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be with my girlfriend?"

His jaw twitches. "I told you to stay away from her."

"Peyton makes those decisions for herself. And when did you tell me to leave her alone?"

"I sent word."

"Really? By who?" Just when I think he's so stupid he's going to tell me his friend's name, he stops himself.

"You know who."

Peyton slides her hand into mine. "Bo, if you ever hurt him, or contact me again, I'm calling the cops. You are no longer a part of my life." She turns away and pulls me with her. I give him a wide grin. I'm so proud of Peyton for standing her ground. I'm honestly feeling a little cocky. She's one hell of a woman, and she's mine.

We've made it only a few paces when I hear a scuffling noise just before I am rammed from behind. I stumble forward and try to push Peyton to the side so I don't take her down with me, then I tuck and roll. I could let my momentum carry me back up, but I lay here anticipating Bo's next move.

Just like I figured, he draws back to kick me. When his foot comes at me, I grab it and twist, hard. I hear a satisfying snap followed by a scream and a thud as he lands on his ass and clutches his leg.

I jump up and go to Peyton, who is on her hands and knees. Her palms are scraped but otherwise she's ok. Bo is still screaming that I broke his ankle. I sure as fuck hope so.

I dial 911 and tell the dispatcher there's been an assault. In a few minutes the police and ambulance show up, lights flashing. We've gathered quite a crowd. Bo is still writhing around, bellowing every now and then. There's an elderly couple sitting with Peyton. They saw the whole thing and want to give a statement.

I tell the police officers what happened. "Out of nowhere, he just knocked us down. We both fell. He was gonna kick me and I tried to block it. I just put my hands out. Then he fell. I heard the snap. It sounded... ick." I grimace like I feel sick.

Bo keeps repeating "he broke my foot, he broke my foot" as the paramedics load him on a stretcher. One of them says to the cop that he needs x-rays to know for sure. It's obvious his foot is pointing the wrong way. The cop charges Bo with assault and cuffs him to the gurney before they load him into the ambulance. I love that they aren't being very gentle with him.


I can't believe my crazy ex just attacked us in the street. I can't believe I have a crazy ex. It's embarrassing and now, once again, Taehyung has been dragged into it.

He's too good to be true. He hasn't been resentful about it, and doesn't blame me for choosing so poorly in the past. I wonder if I would be as understanding.

He looks so handsome talking to the police officer, my shy boy. I like him so much it hurts. We leave for Japan in 5 days. I'm so excited about seeing Cassie, but I'm just as excited about spending time with Tae.

He turns like he feels me watching him, and winks. I have to duck my head. My cheeks are hot and I can feel myself grinning like a fool.

"Sweetheart, take good care of that young man." The elderly lady pats my leg. "I recognize that look. That's how my Howard looked at me back in the day."

"I still look at you like that, honey bun. I've just gotten sneakier over the years. It's good to keep the ladies guessing." The sweet little man chuckles at his joke.

"Admit it. After 60 years, you're still the one chasing me." She smiles coquettishly at him.

"Around the bedroom."  He wiggles his bushy eyebrows and cackles.

"Howard! Don't say that in front of this innocent young girl." She's swatting at him but clearly loves it. With that, they wave me goodbye, giggling as they toddle off together.

What would 60 years be like with Tae? My heart flip flops in my chest. I've never thought past the end of the semester. I'm just trying to survive mid-terms and start spring break.

Tae pulls me from my thoughts. I open my mouth, but his finger goes to shush me.

"Don't apologize. I'm fine. I'm better than fine, actually." He looks smug.

Curious, I look at him to continue.

"Not just anybody can kick a guy's ass and make it look like pure self-defense." He gives me a big grin.

I'm shocked. "Oh my gosh! You did break his foot," I whisper. Giddy with pride, I throw my arms around his neck. "You protected me, baby."

"Damn right I did. I'm still a man, even if I am your baby boy, noona." He looks at me through his lashes and bites his lip.

Oh, he is gonna get it for that. "We still have a couple hours of study break. Let's go home. There's a couple things I need to take care of."

Are y'all as glad as I am that Bo is incapacitated? I was getting tired of him 😑 Is everybody ok with Tae's noona kink? 😋

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