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Jimin decides 10 minutes is too long, so he detours to the bar where he can order some liquid courage and let his heart rate return to normal. Cassie is gorgeous. Not regular gorgeous. Sexy gorgeous. Jimin only has two ways of relating to women: as his mother/sister or as his next one night stand/lucky winner of a screaming orgasm courtesy of his sexual prowess. Neither are going to work in this situation. He had planned on being the cutesy charming brother to Cassie, just like to Peyton. But there's no way - she's too fucking delicious. But he also can not fuck his cousin's girlfriend's best friend and then spend a week with her. He can just pretend Taehyung has 2 girlfriends. Wait... scratch that mental image. Jimin really enjoys a good threesome.


He turns towards the tap on his shoulder to find a girl, her face blocked by the cellphone she's holding in his face.

"Is this you?"

It is indeed a very unflattering picture of him asleep. "What the fuck?"

"That's exactly what I said, 'What the fuck?' How am I supposed to find anybody from a shit picture like that? I can't even see your face. I'm Cassie."

"I'm J... Jimin." He never stutters.

"I know."

Think, Jimin! Think.  "I'm getting a drink. Can I get you one?"

"God, yes." She smiles and her eyes twinkle. "Get me whatever you're drinking. Our table is up the stairs and to the right."

Jimin watches as Cassie walks away, her hips swaying in her fitted white sweater dress, her long ombré pink hair swinging, her thigh high boots clicking. Jimin goes weak in the knees. Depriving himself of pussy for two months was a bad idea, and Cassie is peak temptation.

Peyton and Taehyung arrive to find Jimin waiting impatiently at the bar, raking his hand through his thick silver blonde hair.

"Hey, man."

Jimin jumps at the sound of Tae's deep voice, then pulls him in for a bro hug. "Taehyungie!"

"Jiminnn!" sings Peyton as she throws her arms wide then engulfs him in a tight hug. "Oh my gosh! It's wonderful to finally see you in person." Jimin turns shocked eyes to Taehyung. He just shrugs and grins.

"She's a hugger."

Peyton pulls back. "Is Cassie here yet?" She's bouncing on her toes.

Jimin plays it cool. "Yeah, I'm getting us drinks. Our table is up the stairs and to the right."

Peyton does a little squeal and pecks Tae's cheek. "Baby, please get me a bourbon and Coke. I can't wait another second!"

The boys watch her as she races towards the stairs. Then Jimin turns to Tae, his eyes following his girlfriend, a soft smile on his face.

"You are whipped," Jimin giggles. Tae smiles bigger, unable to hide his happiness.

The bartender takes Tae's order as he hands over Jimin's drinks.

"And you... are nervously avoiding Cassie. Am I right?"

"What you are... is fucking dead! She's gorgeous, which you did not tell me. And that ugly pic?  Revenge is coming for your ass."

"If it helps, Cassie sent a photo of you before she knew it was you. Something about a buffet..."

Jimin's angry face morphs into delight. "Shut the fuck up!"

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