Chapter 36

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Bound By Blood

Chapter 36


I woke up the next morning it feels weird to have Samantha back in this bed as it's been four months since she went away, I look over and see the woman I love in the early morning light, she looks so peaceful, serene and especially sexy, I do love her pregnant she always looked beautiful carrying Shawna. I wonder what she names she has picked out for them? Does she even know what she's having? I need to know, I want to know. I slipped out from underneath the covers, I quietly make my way down to the kitchen I'm going to make my girls pancakes, then when Samantha is settled I have work to do. I'm nearly finished the twins present and if I do it today I think I'll be finished it except for the color. Once I've finished cooking, I take a tray with everything into our room, then heading to Shawna's room and seeing she's like her daddy and it standing up in her crib. "What you doing princess? Shush you'll wake mommy. Come on let's have breakfast." We walk into our bedroom and I place Shawna on the bed and move the tray to the bed, as I watch Shawna crawl over to Samantha.


"Babe, wake up."

"Hmmm, hey family. Hello beautiful girl, oh you cooked me breakfast in bed. That's so sweet."

"Yep, I can cook now. Not that I'm as good as you. But Carol and Aaron gave me some lessons." I dish out my family's breakfast and we sat on the bed and ate it.

"The is so good Daryl, man what I wouldn't give to have chocolate chips in these, I've been craving chocolate."

"I'll keep an eye out for it. What else do you need or the babies need?"

"Oh, it's not important babe I'm sure you have other things to worry about, then chasing ice cream for your pregnant wife."

"Seriously? I thought that was only in the movies. You didn't like that last time."

"Different pregnancy's, different cravings."

"Well, I might go to the library and see if there's a book with a recipe on how to make ice cream if that's what my wife wants."

"Honestly there are better things to spend supplies on than making me ice cream. Forget that I said anything about it. So, what's your plan for today?"

"I have to go to the barn I was working on something while you've been gone but since I came back the last time."

"Okay, I'm supposed to rest. Thank you for bringing me back home I've missed this little girl, couldn't believe she slept all night."

"Yeah, though she's been teething of late maybe she knows her mommy needed her rest. You think you can look after her today?"

"Yeah if you help set us up downstairs."

"I'll do anything for you, babe."

After we finished eating I helped Samantha downstairs and set both my girls up then headed out to the barn.


I watched Daryl walk outside, he said bye but didn't kiss me, I don't really blame him. Shawna and I were playing until she started to get grumpy so I put her in her playpen and I decided to sleep while she was, that's where I was when I heard someone knocking thinking it was Aaron and Gracie I called out that the door was open.

"It's just me Carol. I thought I'd pop in and say hi and, see how you are and welcome you back home. Oh my god, you're expecting. You and Daryl know how to keep a secret, he hasn't said anything."

"I'm not surprised that he hasn't said anything, it's for the best really."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's not the dad which I'm sure you know that. As you probably know we hadn't been having sex. You probably know us better than we do."

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