Chapter 50

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Bound By Blood

Chapter 50


"Mommy wake up. Mommy? Mommy?"

I'm dragged from my stupor by the sound of my son's voice, I opened my eyes and the room was too bright I have no memory of what I did last night, I looked at the coffee table and there was an empty bottle of scotch damn.

"Yes, Quinn I'm awake what's so important that you woke mom up?"

"Willow is crying and Shawna and I are hungry."

"Okay, let's see if we can find something for her to eat."

I've never felt less like doing something than right now all I want to do is sleep and drink to forget that Winter is gone and Daryl my husband ha yeah right my husband is never coming back. I struggled upstairs with my head hurting even worse with Willow crying. "What's wrong? Yeah, I know mom lost your sister but seriously Willow you have to stop crying. You're giving momma a headache. Are you hungry? I can't feed you right now but I'll give you some milk we have here and that'll have to do."

I'm at a loss what to do, I feel so useless, and abandoned by my family I know they're looking for her but I don't think they'll find her it's been too long it's now been two days he could be anywhere or he could've killed her for all I know maybe that's why she's constantly crying as she knows she's gone forever. I picked my daughter up and we headed back downstairs finding what I need to feed her I'll have to figure out how to feed her as all the bottles are gone, then I'm struck by the idea of using the turkey baster maybe that will have to do, I get Willow set up in her chair and start to feed her I'm struggling more than usual then I hear it.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

"Yes, Shawna now you stop your screaming I'm right here. What do you want now?"

"Hungee. Hungee mommy."

"You'll just have to wait I'm on my own since your father isn't here. I can't feed you and your sister at the same time. And keep the noise down mommy has a headache."


"SHUT UP!" Shawna and Willow start crying again. I can't believe I did this to my daughters and I look over at Quinn and he's trembling. "Oh god, I'm so sorry honey mommy didn't mean to yell at you. As soon as your sister is fed I'll look after you and Quinn." Then I heard the front door open and close as Quinn disappeared. "Quinn? Oh, fuck." I stopped feeding Willow and despite my clothing, I went outside looking for him. "Quinn come here." I saw him running down the street towards Carol. "Quinn come on back inside. You're in your pajamas."

"Aunty Carol she's scaring me. She's like my old dad."

"It's okay sweetie I'll look after you."

"I don't need you or anyone's help. Quinn get back inside."

"Sam, are you drunk? Your kids need you and your drinking."

"Yeah, so I got drunk last night. What you gonna do about it? Nothing." What I didn't expect was Carol coming up to me and slap me. "What the fuck?"

"You need to get your shit together. You're going back in there and you're going to look after your kids. Do you really think Daryl would want someone like you around his kids?"

"I don't care what he thinks, he's not here is he? Quinn come on I'll make you breakfast."

"Quinn doesn't have to go anywhere he can stay with me and Michonne's kids, maybe I should take the girls away from you as you seem unable to look after them."

"I wonder why? I'm worried sick that my child is dead and my husband won't come back. If you have nothing else to say I have children to look after." I turn away from her and walk back to my house to find both girls were crying. "Now shush girls mommy's back. Winter you'll have to wait mommy has to do your sister breakfast." There was knocking on the door, I opened it, Michonne and Carol were there. "Oh, you've both decided to gang up on me. Don't bother talking to me."

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