Chapter 1

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Tord's POV (Short)

"I'm going out!" I yelled out

"Where?" Tom asks from the couch

"None of your business Jehovah's" I said and left

Tom's POV (Also iz short)

Geez, what's his problem? And what the hell does "Jehovah's" mean!? Nevermind that for now, let me follow that commie cuz why not

I got up off the couch and turn off the TV. I already have my shoes on so I don't have to do that. I'm on my way to the door and left, I found Tord in no time, so I just followed him with my hands in my hoodie pocket

Tord's POV

As I made my way to visit someone I ended up looking at the sky and smiled

-Time skip-

I finally arrived at the graveyard. I've been here a lot so I just went directly to her grave

-Smol time skip-

I got to her grave and read her tombstone once again


Malissa Lawson

Mother of one

Born - 1976
Death - 2001

Cause of death - Overdose - Suicide


(Malissa was 25 when she killed herself-)

I sat on the ground in front of her gravestone

(The song at the top is what Tord is going to sing. There'll be some memory flashes from the past during it as well. I hope this helps a little at least)

Tord singing = Italic

Memory = Bold

Memory and Tord signing = Bold + Italic

(M'kay let's start)


Loving and fighting, accusing and denying

I can't imagine a world with you gone, the joy and the chaos, the demons were made of

I was standing in a dark place and there she was. My mother standing in the distance, she smiled and started to fade away

"I'd be so lost if you left me alone!" I cried out

You locked yourself in the bathroom

I knocked on the door "Mamma?" Nothing "Mamma!" I yelled as tears started falling down my cheeks

(Tord was a strong kid when he was younger so he broke through)

Lying on the floor when I broke through

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming?

"Mamma, please don't leave me!"

Hold on, I still want you... Come back, I still need you...

Let me take your hand I'll make it right

"I swear to love you all my life!" I cried

Hold on, I still need you...

Long endless highway, you're silent beside me

Driving from a nightmare I can't escape from

Helplessly praying, the lights isn't fading

Hiding in the shock and the chill in my bones

They took you away on a table, I pace back and forth as you lay still

They pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming?

"Please don't leave me!" I cried out

"Hold on, I still want you... Come back I still need you..." I cried

"I swear to love you all my life!... Hold on, I still need you.." I cried

I don't wanna let go

"I know I'm not that strong" I cried

I just wanna hear you say

"Honey, let's go home" My mom said

Let's go home, I just want to take you home

Hold on, I still want you... Come back, I still need you...

(Now back to the present)

"Hey, how're you? I've been doing fine these past few years... Well I've been doing my best if you can say so" I said

"It was hard for me when you "left" but Paul and Pat have been the ones to watch over me" I said

"Now that I'm older, I understand the pain you went through. I would've never understood even if someone had explained it to me... Five years old... How much pain I felt could've been even more worse than you" I said

"I've made it through 13 years, heh" I forced a laugh

I look down at my hands to the rose I have

I lightly smiled "I got you a rose, I know they're your favorite" I said and placed it down in front of her gravestone

"Do you remember what you used to tell me?" I ask

"You're like a rose,
Bright as it's color,
Soft just like it's petals,
Sharp like it's thorns.
But most importantly,
You're brave,
You never give up,
And you never lose hope" I said

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