Chapter 15

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Tom's POV (Short)

My eyes slowly open and I can't even see- Then I feel a pair of arms around me I froze

Um who dis-?

Tord's POV

I woke up probably about five minutes ago but all I wanted was to stay with Tom for now. He's so warm and cute, his hair is so soft. I felt him move a little

He's waking up

I hug him tighter but not tight enough to make him stop breathing

"Um who dis-?" Tom asks it wasn't to loud tho

"Someone who loves you" I said and looked at him

"T-Tord?" Tom stuttered

He sounds like he's going to cry. Wait. No don't cry!

"Hey, hey Tom don't cry I don't want to see you cry... It hurts to see you cry..." I said and held him close to me

He wrapped his arms around me and started crying "I-I missed you so m-much" Tom cried

"I missed you too" I said and rubbed his back

He just cried, I made him look at me

"Please stop crying, it hurts" I said

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Tom said

I wiped away his tears "You know I love you right?" I said

A smile appeared on Tom's face "I know" Tom said

"Then don't cry" I said "You'll always have my love, no matter what" I said

Tom giggled "I wanna keep your love" Tom said

I smiled "You do whatever you like" I said

Tom giggled again, I blushed and kissed him it took him a second but he kissed back. We pulled away

"You're cute you know that" I said

Tom blushed even more "N-no I'm n-not!" Tom said

"You're my cute Tommy" I said

Tom smiled and giggled "And your my little devil" Tom said

I smiled and buried my face in his chest, keeping my arms around him

"Mine. And mine only" I said

I heard Tom chuckle "Yes, yes I am yours" Tom said

I'm so happy to be with Tom. I love him more than anything in the world

"Hey Tord?" Tom asked

"Hm?" I looked up at him

"How'd you get inside my apartment?" Tom asks "I thought I locked the door" Tom said

I laid my head on his chest listening to his calm heartbeat

"I have my ways" I said

"What? C'mon tell me. Please" Tom said

I took the hair clip from my hair

"Easy, I just lock picked your doors" I said

"Since when did you know how to do that?" Tom chuckled

I put the clip back "Erm... Probably since I was 13 or 14" I said

"Um wut?" Tom said confused

I giggled "Yea I know it's strange" I said

"It's not strange, I'm just hella confused" Tom said

I smiled "Understandable" I said

Tom chuckled and held me close to him

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