Chapter 2

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This is after "The End"
And yes I'm skipping to that cuz I'm too lazy

P.S: I just want to say I'm going to be switching between POV's a lot

Tord's POV (Short)

Why'd I do it? I honestly don't know

3rd person POV (Kinda short?)

There Tord sat on top of the hill, looking down at the mess he has created. Paul bandaged up his left arm, and as for Pat he was grabbing some parts from the head of the robot

"Tord does your leg hurt?" Pat asked

"Yes, a little" Tord said

"Would you like um... Like to have this harpoon to help you walk?" Pat asked

Tord's POV

"Yes" I said

I tried to get up, I succeeded but struggled a little as well. Pat came over to me and handed me the harpoon, I took it. I look at the end and I see a red piece of cloth as for a little bit of blood on the end

I let out a sigh and turned back around looking back at the mess I've made. I stayed there for a little before I hopped in Pat's car and we drove off

-A little while later-

Tord's POV

I got to the graveyard, it was a long-ass drive. I limped my way to my mother's grave and sat in front of it. The rose I brought last time is still here

"Hey Mamma, I'm back... I bet you already know why I look like this... The question you might be asking is why'd you do it? I..." I stopped "I honestly don't know" I said

"But I wanted to say sorry... Sorry for everything... Sorry for living... Sorry for existing..." I said

I started to tear up. I crawled up to my mom's gravestone and laid my back on the front. I held her rose faintly in my left hand, why am I faintly holding it? Well because my whole arm and hand doesn't work. As for my other hand, I'm holding the harpoon

"Everything is my fault..." I said as tears fell down my cheeks

My eyes slowly shut

-One year later-

It's been a year since the incident and I actually quit the Army I gave my position as Red Leader to my parents Pat and Paul. I didn't have a home to go to, nor friends...

Because of that incident, I lost all control in most of the left side of my body. Like my sight in my left eye, my hearing in my left ear the good thing is that my legs are just fine

I actually had to get my left arm removed, so Pat built a robot arm for me to replace it with. I'm currently sitting in a dark alley hugging my legs

Yea I'm homeless too... I also fell into depression... The guilt, the pain, the sorrow, the regret everything it was too much

I haven't eaten a regular meal in months, and by now I'm used to not eating. I completely gave up on even trying to get food

I've also become really skinny, my hoodie was almost baggy on me. I sat on there blankly staring at the ground, I saw something shiny in the corner of my eye and looked over

I look at what it is..

...A broken blade..

I picked it up and stared at it

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