Chapter 9

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Malissa's POV

"Hello?" Pay asked

"Hey Pappa!" I said

"Oh Malissa thank god you're alright" Pay said "Where are you? And who's phone are you using?" Pay asked

"We went to visit grandma! And I'm using Tord's phone" I said

"Visit grandma-? Where are you?" Pay asked

"I don't know" I said

Tord's POV

I took the phone from Malissa and put it on my ear

"Hey Pay, we're at the graveyard" I said

"Ah ok" Pay said "I'll be there" Pay continued

"K bye" I said

"Bye" Pay said then I hung up

"So is he coming?" Malissa asked

"Yes he's on his way, we just need to wait" I said

"Oh okie!" Malissa said

God how is she so joyful all the time? I wish I could be like that...

-Time skip brought to you by Malissa!-

We all sat on the ground chatting, but something was off with the guys... I can feel it...

"Malissa!" Pay said

Malissa looked at him

"Pappa!" Malissa ran over to him giving him a hug

I got up and walked over to him

"Thank you for looking after Malissa" Pay said

I smiled "Well she is my cousin after all and I don't want her to get hurt" I said

Pay chuckled "Go to the car mommy's waiting for you" Pay told Malissa

"Okay!" Malissa said then ran off

"Where was she even?" Pay asks

"I was just in the park then she noticed me there. She said she missed the bus and had to walk" I said

"Oh" Pay said

"Also she said there was someone following her, I'm just glad she found me before anything bad would've happened" I said

"Oh god... Yea I'm glad she did" Pay said

"Pat?" Matt questioned

We both look at him

"Um Matt Pat isn't here" I said "This is Pay"

"Oh my bad" Matt apologized

"It's alright, it happens a lot. But I'm still confused about how the hell can you tell the difference between Patryk and I!?" Pay said

"Hehe, because I know shit!" I said "But seriously if I can't tell the difference between my uncle and my step-father then there's a problem" I said

"Yea I guess you make a point there, but still HOW!?" Pay said

I chuckled "If you want to know so bad then I'll tell you, there's a difference between you two that I can point out quite easily" I said

"Like what? We're identical! I don't understand" Pay said sounding even more confused from before

I laughed a little "It's a secret" I smirked

"Welp I give up" Pay said "I gotta go now, see you again maybe" Pay said

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