Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

So it's been about four, almost five years and Tord has yet woken up from his coma. Alex has been visiting Tord whenever she can and also got more info on him because of her work

Edd and Matt will visit him occasionally because they're also worried about Tom. What's wrong with Tom? Did something happen to him? You may ask

Well when Tord first was in the hospital Tom was super worried, as you can tell. At first, he visited Tord at EVERY chance he got. But he was slowly falling into depression and was also starting to lose hope, on him waking up

Eventually, he stopped visiting Tord and stayed locked in his apartment barely even leaving. But when he does it's mostly to go get groceries/food, go to the bar or sometimes to just get alcohol

Tord's POV

C'mon Tord wake up! Please! For me! For Tom!

That voice sounds like my... Mom...

Then all I could see was a bright light, I groaned and looked away. I was able to hear a beeping sound

Beep. Beep... Beep. Beep. Beep...

It resembled a heart moderator like the ones in the hospitals.  I blinked so my vision can clear up, I sat up it was kinda hard but I managed. Then I notice I'm in a hospital

"H-hello?" I said "Is anyone there?"

A nurse walked into the room she stopped when she noticed me

"W-why am I-I here?" I ask

She didn't say anything but quickly left

"W-wait where are y-you g-going!?" I said

Damian's POV

"Dr. Damian, he's awake" Vanessa said

"Really? Let me see" I said

I quickly made my way to the room. I went inside and Tord was sitting on the bed. He was looking super confused

"Oh good you're awake" I said

"W-why am I-I here?" Tord asked

"It's ok Tord try and calm down" I said

"W-what happened?" Tord asks

"You were hit by a car" I said walking towards him

"Oh..." Tord said

"How're you feeling?" I ask

"Good I guess..." Tord said

"Well that's good to know, by the way my name's Damian" I said

"Nice to meet you" Tord said

I chuckled "Do you mind if I make a quick call?" I ask

"No no, it's ok" Tord said

"Thank you" I said and took my phone

Alex's POV

I was driving until my phone went off I look at it and it's Damian

"I'm just going to pull the car to the side of the road ok?" I said

"Okay!" Malissa said

I pull the car to the side of the road and answer

"Hey Damian, is there something wrong?" I ask

"No everything's good, but Tord woke up" Damian said

"Really?" I ask

"Yes" Damian said

"Perfect timing, I just got off work" I said

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