Chapter 10

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Tord's POV

"So um what do you want to talk about?" I ask

"Hmm..." Tom thought for a moment "What's your favorite color?" Tom asked "It's kinda obvious tho" Tom said

"What's this? Are we playing 20 questions?" I chuckled

"If you want" Tom said

"Sure" I said "But to answer your question my favorite colors are red and pink" I said

"Pink? That's just a pastel-ish red" Tom said

"Don't judge meh!" I said

Tom chuckled "I'm not, don't worry" Tom stopped "... I kinda like the pastel-ish blue..." Tom muttered

I smiled "Now my turn" I thought for a second "What's your favorite drink?"

"Um I don't know if you know what that is but Smirnoff" Tom said

"It's alcohol I know Tom, and there's some in the fridge to" I said

"Yea... Anyways moving on! What's your favorite thing to do?" Tom asked

"Favorite thing to do?" I ask

"Yea, like a thing you did a lot when you were younger" Tom said

"Oh, that's what you mean. Strangely I really liked and still do, to play with guns" I said

"Alright, that is kinda strange" Tom said "And your parents really let you play with guns!? Geez" Tom said

"Well technically they didn't let me I just got them myself" I said

"Ok well that sounds a lot more like you" Tom said

I gasp dramatically "I am offended"

Tom and I laughed, and he smiled

His smile is perfect

I smiled as well

"Oo a question that might be stupid but what color would your eyes be? If you had eyes like me for example" I said

As Tom was thinking I scooted a little closer to him

"If I remember they would be blue" Tom said

"If you remember?" I ask

"Yea one time there was this alien saucer and we kinda got stuck on it. Edd shot a laser called "The Normalizer"? Yea that sounds like it, by accident and it changed my eyes" Tom explained

"Really? But how did you change them back?" I ask

"Matt accidentally shot my eyes with a regular laser" Tom said

"Wow. Rip" I said

"Yep" Tom said

"Wanna continue with the questions or no?" I ask

"Em no" Tom said

"Ok then, if you say so" I said and smiled

Tom smiled in return, it got silent for a minute before I spoke

"So watcha wanna do?" I ask

"Um..." Tom trailed off

He mumbled something but I didn't catch it

"What did you say?" I ask

A crimson red blush spread across his cheeks "N-nothing! It's um... U-unimportant..." Tom said and nervously chuckled

"Em okay? If you say so" I said

"Hehe..." Tom said and nervously smiled

Tom's face was still red

I giggled "Oh and by the way Tom, your face might be just a little bit red" I said and smiled

Tom's eyes widen and he covers his face with his hands, I giggled again

"What's wrong?" I ask

Tom stayed silent, I sighed and moved closer to him so now I'm right next to him

"Tom?" I said


"Thomas? Ya still there?" I ask

Still silence

"Did you die or something? If so why!? I'm so gawd damn confused right now!" I said

I heard Tom giggle

"Oh, I heard something. That means Tom's still alive! Everyone he's alive!" I said and laughed a little

Tom laughed a little as well an idea came into mind, I smirked

"Hey Tom you better watch out" I said

He looked up a little "Wha?" Tom said confused

I then started attacking him with tickles. I remember where he's most ticklish

"Tord what ar-?" Tom stopped then started laughing

"S-st-op!" Tom said laughing

"Hehe make me" I smirked

Tom and I, both ended up falling off the couch-

"Heh, you alright?" I ask

Tom caught his breath "Um yea, I'm good" Tom said

"Well, good because I'm not done" I said and started tickling him again

"N-no!" Tom laughed "S-sp-are m-e!" Tom laughed

I stopped "Ok, ok fine you win" I said

"Thank god it's over" Tom said in relief

"Well I can always continue" I smirked

"Oh god no. Have mercy!" Tom said

I giggled "Alright, alright" I said

Tom sat up but I realize I was sitting on his legs (Well now you are) I blushed

So close

I was telling myself to get off but my body didn't want to. (Like geez it's like your own body has a mind of its own!) Mostly all I could do was stare into Tom's eyes beautiful eyes

I almost got lost in them, but what happened next surprised me

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