Chapter 11

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Tom's POV (Short)

I cupped Tord's face with my hands, I couldn't hold myself back anymore

Tord's POV

Tom placed his lips on mine, my eyes widen in shock. I melted into the kiss and kissed him back, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He placed his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him. We then pulled away both of us blushing like hell

"Heh sorry I couldn't help myself" Tom nervously said

"... You don't know how long I've wanted to do that..." I said embarrassed and looked away

Tom chuckled and pulled me close to him, I buried my head into the crook of his neck still having my arms around him

"Mine" I said but it was muffled a little

Tom giggled "Ok then" Tom said

I smiled, Tom calmly started rubbing my back

I can't believe this is actually happening. I really hope this isn't some sort of dream

I pull away and look at Tom

"Stupid question but, is this really happening?" I ask

"Well, I am sitting right here with you on top of me, on the floor in my apartment" Tom stopped "And you seem real to me, I know that I'm real that's for sure" Tom said

I smiled "Then I'm glad it is" I said

Tom smiled "Me too" Tom said

We sat there in silence until I broke it

"Hey Tom?" I ask

"Hm?" Tom hummed

"Are we a thing now?" I ask

"If you want to" Tom said

I smiled "Then you're mine" I said

"Ok" Tom said and kissed me once again

Of course, I kissed back we pulled away

"God I love you" I said and buried my face into the crook of Tom's neck once again

"I love you too Commie" Tom said

I smiled

Okaayyy, this is a really short chapter. Sorter then the last... Yeeaaa sorry about that. My brainz haz no ideaz. I iz so sowwyz!!!







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