Chapter 6

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Tord's POV (Short)

I slowly open my eyes again and the guy on top of me has a bullet hole in his stomach. I quickly push him off of me and move away from his body

Tom's POV

I shot that guy in the back the other guy I assume. Who was under him pushed him off of them and moved away from their body. I see the guy was crying

Then I realize who it was

"Tord? Tord!" I ran over to him

I put the gun back into my hoodie pocket before I sat on the ground next to him

"Tord are you ok?" I ask


I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me

"Shh it's going to be ok, I'm here now" I said

He was silent all you could hear was his crying

"It's going to be ok" I said

He buried his face into my chest. I started to rub circles on his back in a calming manner

"Let it all out" I said

He just cried and cried. I did all I can do to help right now, but this isn't something I usually like or even do

-Smol time skip-

We sat there for what felt like hours before Tord stopped crying and calmed down

Tord's POV

"You done washing my hoodie?" Tom asked

I giggled "Heh yea... Sorry about that.." I said

Tom chuckled "It's ok, but I think we should head back before Edd and Matt start to wonder or even worry" Tom stood up

He helped me up

"Do you want me to carry you back?" Tom asked

I blushed "N-no no I'll be fine walking on my own" I said

"You sure?" Tom asked

"Yes Tom I'm sure, now let's go"  I said

I grab Tom's hand and walk out of the alley

-Another time skip-

As Tom and I made our way down the street back to the apartment complex, I stayed close to him

I feel safe being with him, he makes me happy. Tom is what keeps me going

I smiled, I swear I saw him blush, but it could also be my imagination. I then saw the building and noticed Edd sitting outside with Matt. Without a word I grabbed Tom's hand and ran over to the two

"Morning Edd, Matt" I said

Edd looked up at me and smiled. He got up and gave me a quick hug, knowing I don't really like hugs

"Thank god you guys are ok" Edd said

"We're fine see? We still alive" I said

"Well I see that now but you guys made me worried" Edd said

"We know Edd" Tom said

"Good and don't forge- Wait Tord is that a hickey?" Edd pointed to my neck

I cover it with my hand

"I... I d-don't want to talk about it..." I said

Tom's POV (Sorta short)

"Maybe you should head up to my apartment" I said

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