Chapter 20

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Tord's POV

Mah ship has sailed!!

"Well anyways-! I've got a surprise I want to show you all!" I said

"Oh really now?" Tom said

"Mmhm!" I hummed "And it's for all of you!... Well more for Edd..." I mumbled the last part really quite

"What was that?" Edd asks

"Nothing! You'll find out!" I said

-Time skips- (Because I have no clue what to write here-)

Edd and Matt are sitting in the back and for Tom he is sitting in the front. They all have a blindfold on because I don't want them to see right away

"Do we really have to wear a blindfold?" Tom asks

"Yes, I don't want you guys to see what it is from a distance! It's going to ruin the surprise!" I said

And if you're asking who's car I'm driving? It's Edd's since mine is still at the base and I didn't bother taking it

"Are we there yet?" Matt asks

"Almost" I said

I looked back to make sure none of them are peeking. When I arrived I parked the car

"Aaaannd we're here!" I said turning off the engine

I unbuckled my seatbelt "Ok, unbuckled yourself and I'll get you guys out" I said

"Ok" Edd and Matt said in the same time

I got out of the car and went to Edd's side first, I open the door

"K, Edd you can get out" I said

Edd started to get out of the car

"Watch your head" I said

I got Edd out and moved him over to a place I did the same for Matt

"You guys stay here, don't move" I said

They nodded, I went back to the car and opened Tom's door. I noticed he didn't unbuckle his seatblelt

"Tord?" Tom asked

"Yes?" I ask

Tom kissed me, I kissed back of course we pulled away

"Ok Tom you can get out now" I said moving out of the way

Tom put his hand out and I took it helping him out. He shut the door and I walked him over where Edd and Matt are. I stood him next to them

"Are you guys ready?" I ask

"Yea" Edd said

"Yes" Matt said

"Mhm" Tom hummed

"Ok then, take off your blindfolds" I said

They all took off their blindfolds and their eyes widen in surprise. What they saw before them was Edd's old home rebuild

"Surprise!" I said

"B-but how?" Edd asks

"I asked Pat and Paul to help with it, because I kinda needed to keep you guys distracted and keep you from coming here" I said "It's all I can really do" I said

Edd came over to me and hugged me

"Thank you Tord" Edd said

I smiled and hugged back "It's no problem" I said

Edd let me go and looked back at the house amazed

"How does it look so similar tho!?" Edd said

I chuckled "I have a blueprint of the house, ya know just incase anything happens" I said

"Wow" Matt said "It's so cool!" Matt said

"You want to go inside?" I ask

"Yes!" Edd said and went over to the door

"Let's go!" Matt said following him

"Sure" Tom said he grabbed my hand and followed the other two

We got to the house Edd and Matt we're already inside. Edd was looking at a picture on the wall, Tom and I walk over to him

"I... I thought this picture got destroyed in the house..." Edd said

"Um... Well it did, but I had replicas of every picture there was in here" I said

"Why?" Edd asks "And I don't mean to say it in a mean way" Edd said

"It's ok, I just decided to keep them. They're precious memories" I said

"You've had those pictures all this time...?" Edd asks smiling a little

"Why wouldn't I? You guys are my friends!... The only ones to be exact..." I said "And I could never throw those away that easily..." I said

Edd smiled and hugged me "Thank you" Edd said

I smiled "No thank you guys" I said

Edd pulled away looking confused

"Why thank us?" Tom asks

I chuckled "Well for being there! You guys helped me. You stayed with me, through the though times" I said

Edd chuckled "Well that's what a good friend does" Edd smiled

The End

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