Chapter 3

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Edd's POV

I brought Tord back to my apartment well I made Tom carry him because I'm not that strong. Right now he's laying on the couch, I'm sitting right next to him worried

Matt sat on the couch arm next to me and Tom was laying on the floor? I have absolutely had no clue why he's laying on the floor but ok

What was he doing in the alley?

I then noticed that his breathing started going faster and faster. He also started to shake a little, he curled up in a ball and began mumbling something but I couldn't hear him

I got worried and shook him a little

"Tord wake up" I said

Tord's POV

I was laying on the ground or floating? Whatever. But I heard a familiar voice

"Tord wake up" It echoed

I slowly opened my eyes but instantly blinded by a light I shut them and sat up. I had a huge headache I groaned and opened my eyes, for some reason my vision was blurry

I look around the place was kinda familiar? But I know I wasn't in the alley anymore I look next to me and see some... Green and purple

I blinked a few times and my vision cleared up my eyes widen at who I see there before me. A worried-looking Edd and a confused Matt

I looked around and it looked almost like the house but it can't be I... I destroyed it... I looked at my left hand it was definitely a robot one. A wave of guilt washed over me and I looked at the ground

I froze when I noticed Tom laying on the ground staring at the ceiling. I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped and looked back to see Edd

"Hey" Edd said and smiled

I stayed silent

"Um, how have you been?" Edd asked and took his hand off my shoulder he had a small smile

"... Um good... I guess.." I mumbled the last part so no one heard what I said well I think

Edd smiled "Glad to hear"

"I've got a question tho" Edd continued

I thought for a second and was a little hesitant "What's that?" I ask

"Why were you in that alley?" Edd asked "If you don't mind me asking"

"N-no reason!" I said hiding the nervousness in my voice

"...Okay then.." Edd sounded a bit unsure "Well I'm glad to know you're alive" Edd changed the subject

"Unlike someone" Edd said and looked at Tom

He looked at us and then looked back up at the ceiling "Eh" Was all he said

"Can you not be mad at him for once?" Edd said

"Nah" Tom said

Edd sighed "Soo..." Edd said thinking about what to say next

I looked at him

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask

He looked confused "Well because you're my friend" Edd said

"F-friend? No, I don't deserve friends" I said "Not after what I've done"

"Look Tord I forgive you" Edd said

"If Edd forgave you, I can also forgive you even tho I have no clue what you did" Matt said and smiled

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