Chapter 7

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This chapter might be confusing to some of you but just go with it-


Tom's POV

I woke up in a weird, unfamiliar place. I look around and saw Edd and Matt laying on the ground. I also notice a glass wall separating us from the other half the room

I looked on that side and saw someone sitting on the ground. That was before I knew who it was... Tord

Where even are we? Why are we here? And why did whoever put us here separate Tord from us?

I looked back at Edd and Matt. Edd's awake and was shaking Matt for him to wake up

Tord's POV

Where am I? Why am I here? And why are the others here?

I look around the room once again looking at how it looks like

Why does this room look so strange?

I look at the glass wall and they're all awake Edd, Matt, Tom they look so confused

"Let's have some fun shall we?" The voice said

But something was off... It didn't sound like it did in my head


3rd Person POV

"Oh, I haven't told you? Of course not. Well as you can tell you're in a room and that glass wall is what separates you from your "friends". And because you're in this room they can also hear me, so you can talk without looking crazy" It said

Tord stood there silent and eyes wide

"So now let's see what you've been hiding from your so-called "friends"." It said

"No stop it!" Tord said as a massive headache came over him

 He grasped his head in pain, it soon stopped. The room was black, nothing could be seen from Tord's eyes

"Hello!? Where is everyone!?" Tord yelled out

 His voice had a little echo in it. Then someone appeared out of nowhere, Tord stared at her. It was... Malissa

"It's good to see you again sweetie" Malissa said and smiled

Tord blankly stared at her, silent

"C'mon dear, give me a hug" Malissa said opening her arms, she still has that smile plastered on her face

"N-no...!" Tord said

Her smile faded "... Tord, I am real..." Malissa sounded hurt and lowered her arms

"No! No, you're not! You're dead!" Tord yelled tears threatening to come out

She started to fade away, then the scenery changed. Tord was standing in an old home of his, the place where... His mom killed herself...

Tord's younger self appeared at the door trying to open it, he was crying out of fear. He broke in and saw his mother lying on the floor, crying he ran over to her

"Mamma! Wake up! Please don't leave me!" Tord's younger self screamed

Tord stood there staring at his mother's lifeless body lay there. His younger self was crying and crying nonstop. Tord was slowly starting to break, piece... By piece... By piece...

"Mm, how 'bout we try something else hm?" It asked

"No! P-please..." Tord said

The voice ignored him and changed the scenery once again. This time Tord's heart sank, he remembered this place. It's the place his robot landed after the explosion

Of course Edd, Matt and Tom haven't seen the exact spot where the robot landed. So they were confused about why they well more like Tord was there, but little did they know they're about to find out

Tord walked over to the edge of the hill and looked down towards Edd's house. You can see his robot from here, and then everything went black then back to the hill

But everything changed. The robot was destroyed, parts, bits and pieces everywhere. The head of the robot was destroyed and a harpoon going right through it

And that's what broke Tord, tears started streaming down his cheeks

"... I-I'm so s-sorry..." Tord said as he cried

He looked at himself from a year ago, he looked as broken Tord is right now. He wanted to cry out all the pain but that would never make it go away

"Tord!" Paul yelled

Tord turned and looked at his parents, they looked hurt, broken even. He can see fear and worry written all over them. The thing is when Tord was on that hill at that moment he was to hurt to even look at anyone

"... I'm the monster here..." Tord from a year ago mumbled not loud enough for Pat and Paul to hear him

"S-stop it!!" Tord yelled

Everything went black once again and Tord stood there crying, he cried and cried but nothing helped. Three white figures appeared standing in front of him

He looked at them then they all changed... Into... One... Specific... Color... Each...




"E-Edd, M-Matt, T-Tom?" Tord stuttered

The figures changed into them, but they weren't happy, Edd and Matt seemed mad disgusted even and Tom. He looked like he always did, hating the commie, never smiling when he's around

It hurt Tord... It hurt so much...

"Do you really think we forgive you? Ha! Pathetic" Matt said

"We never cared about you! You're just a useless piece of shit!" Edd yelled

Tord was shocked and even more hurt. He's never heard Edd yell or even get mad enough to yell at them, he never would want to hurt any of them, he loves and cares about them too much

This was the first time he heard him swear too

"This is all your fucking fault you damn commie!" Tom yelled

This wasn't the first that Tom yells at Tord or even swears 

"I-I'm sorry" Tord said

Tord knew that this wasn't real but he couldn't bring himself to believe so

"You're sorry? Well, a sorry won't fix this now will it!?" Matt yelled

Tord was crying, crying out all of his pain

"... N-no..." Tord said

"Stop crying, you crybaby" Edd said

Tord couldn't stop even if he wanted to

"Why are you even still alive? You should be dead! No one wants you here!" Tom yelled

"I-I... I d-don't know..." Tord said

Tom's POV (Short)

I sat up sweating

What was that? Was it all just a dream? Well more like a nightmare

Edd's POV (Short)

I shot up from my bed tears streaming down my cheeks

No Tord... Wait was that all a nightmare? Or did all of that actually happened?

Matt's POV (Short)

My eyes shot open and my breathing was heavy

I-Is Tod- Tord ok? What was that nightmare?

3rd Person POV (Short)

The other's all were in the same dream/nightmare as for Tord wasn't. It was a figure of him, exactly how he is all the pain and sorrow. Everything, just like a clone, a copy, but that wasn't actually him

Tord was in his own dreamland, well he's mostly just sitting on the couch staring blankly at the TV. He's not even paying attention to the TV he was lost in his thoughts

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