Chapter 16

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So this chapter will contain some "smut"? Well it's more like a blowjob. Yea that's all, I just wanted to tell you that. Now go and read my shitty book-

Tord's POV

"So we have all this time to ourselves?" Tom asks as he moved closer to me

"Um... Y-yes" I said starting to get a little nervous

Tom moved so he was right next to me, he climbed on top of me so he was sitting on me. I blushed and he placed his hand on my cheek lightly caressing it with his thumb

He started rubbing my crotch with his other hand

"Ngh~" I moan

Tom smirked and continued

"... Ah~ T-Tom~" I moan

Tom continues and I'm starting to get hard

"Mm~ Tom~" I moaned

Tom leans in and whispers in my ear

"Do you want something better~?" Tom whispered

I blushed a bright red "Ngh~ Y-yes~" I moan

"If you want to, then alright~" Tom said

Tom started unzipping my pants,  and then he lowered them. Tom got off me and sat on the floor and then did the same for my boxers. My member shot up

"I see someone's excited~" Tom said

"S-shut up!" I stuttered

Tom smirked "Oh I will~" Tom said

Tom started to lick the tip of my member

"Mm~" I moaned

Tom then put my member in his mouth, I gasp. He starts bobbing his head up an down and I grip his soft brown hair

"T-Tom~ Ah~" I moaned

He went a little faster and he was technically deep throating me by now, surprisingly he has no gag reflex I guess you can say that's a good thing

"Ah~ T-that feels s-so g-good~!" I moaned

Tom went faster

"T-Tom~! I-I'm going t-to-" I moaned

I came inside Tom's mouth, and he removed my member from his mouth

"S-sorry" I said

"Mmm~ You taste good~" Tom smirked

He climbed on top of me, I open my mouth to say something but before I could say anything he placed his lips on mine

Of course I kissed him back. Tom put my member back inside my boxers when he pulled then back up. I moaned when he did, he took that as a chance and slipped his tongue in my mouth

He explored it, and I placed my hands on his waist then pulled him closer to me. We pulled away for air soon after, both of us panting Tom smiled causing me to smile

"You have a beautiful smile" I said

Tom giggled

"Oh no" I said

"W-what?" Tom asks

"Stahp being so cute!" I said

"I-I'm cute?" Tom stuttered

"You're doing it again!" I said

Tom giggled and smiled "Welp I guess I'm to cute for you~" Tom said

I hugged him close "Yep, and you're slowly killing me with your cuteness" I said

Tom giggled and buried his face into my chest

"I love you" Tom said but it was a little muffled by my hoodie

I rest my head on top of his

"Jeg elsker deg også" (I love you too) I said

We just sat there cuddling just enjoying our presence

Edd's POV

"I'm wondering why Tord, nor Tom didn't want to come along? It's strange" I said to Matt

"I don't know, I thought Tim hated Todd" Matt said

I chuckled at the names

"Maybe they're finally starting to get along?" Matt said

"Maybe. But if they are I'm glad" I said

Matt smiled "They'll be fine, it already seems like they're getting along quite well" Matt said

"Heh, I guess" I said

Matt wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him

"They do look cute together" Matt said

I giggled "I ship it" I said

"Me too" Matt said "What does that mean?" Matt nervously chuckled

I chuckled and cuddled into him

Yea this is a short chapter but that's all I've got for this one!

By the way Edd and Matt aren't at the arcade anymore, they went on a hill near the arcade, to look at the stars. Edd did explain what "ship it" means, I'm to lazy to do it myself

Yes time passed that fast, Eddsworld logic-

Ah and for those who still didn't get it yet. Yes Edd and Matt are together, Edd took up the courage to ask out Matt and he accepted!

Eddmatt has sailed mah boiz!!!

Tordtom has sailed "five years ago" lol






For reading!




See ya in the next chapter!






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