Chapter 18

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Tom's POV

My eyes shot open

Not that nightmare again...

I look next to me and Tord is hugging me tightly, I also notice he's crying

"Tord" I said "Tord wake up" I said

He didn't even react to my words. I sat up and I started to shake him lightly

"Tord" I said "Wake up please" I said

His eyes slowly open

"Tord..." I said

He sat up and cried onto my chest. I sigh and started to rub his back

"It's ok Tord, it's all over now" I said

I ran my hand through his soft messy hair once he calmed down

"Hey commie?" I ask

"Mhm?" Tord hummed

"How is your hair so soft!?" I said

He looked up at me and smiled "Hehe I don't know..." Tord said

I picked up Tord and sat him in front of me between my legs

"But how can your hair be so soft!?" I said

Tord giggled "I told you I don't know" Tord said

"Well I'm amazed!" I said and wrapped my arms around his waist

I pulled him close to me

Tord's POV

Should I ask..? Eh what the hell...

"Um... Jehovah's?" I ask

"Mhm? What is it?" Tom asks

"Were you guys really there?" I ask

"Where?" Tom asked confused

"This is going to sound stupid but please don't make fun of me..." I said

"Why would I make fun of you? That's what sounds stupid, I love you and I would never do that. Ever" Tom said

I smiled lightly and took a deep breath "... Were you guys really in my nightmare..? Or was is fake..?" I ask

"Oh um... Yea..." Tom said

"Oh..." I said and looked down

"Hey Tord don't worry, I'm here for you. I always will no matter what happens" Tom said making me look at him

I smiled "Thank you Thomas" I said and hugged him

He hugged me back "No need to thank me, it's my choice" Tom said

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck staring into his eyes. Getting lost in them like always, I blushed

I swear I can see a galaxy in those beautiful eyes

I was brought back into reality by Tom kissing me, I kissed back. We pulled away

"Hello? Are you back?" Tom asked

I nervously chuckled "Yea... Sorry about that... I spaced out..." I said

"Oh really? What where you thinking about then?" Tom asks

I smiled "About those beautiful eyes of yours" I said

Tom's face turned red "Oh um thanks!" Tom said "... No one has really liked them before..." Tom said

"Well I do. They tell me that you are you. And I like that" I said

Tom smiled "And your beautiful red eyes tell me the same" Tom said

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