Chapter 5

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Tord's POV (Short?)

Everyone got changed and we're now in the car, Edd and Matt are in the front as for Tom and I are in the back. I don't think Tom was happy about sitting with me

Because he's sitting as far as possible and trying to avoid my gaze, looking at me, or even eye contact. But sometimes I notice him staring at me, he would quickly look away

So I just ended up looking out the window watching the trees that you can see every so often and the stars in the sky

(Yes they stayed at the beach for that long :3)

I soon drifted off into a deep slumber

Tom's POV

Edd's concentrated on driving and Matt's looking at himself in a hand mirror he has brought with him, of course, he did. I look over at Tord and I notice he fell asleep

He looks peaceful and harmless, it's cut-NO! Tom what're you thinking!? He's your enemy! But he does loo- No stop it!

I felt my face heat up and I look back outside

What is this feeling?

-Time skip- (At ze house)

"We're here" Edd said

Matt and Tord are both fell asleep earlier

"Matt wake up" Edd shook Matt

"W-wha?" Matt tiredly said

"Were here" Edd said

"O-ok" Matt yawned

"Hey Tom wake up Tord" Edd said

I sigh "Fine"

"Hey Commie wake up" I said


"Wake up" I said

Still nothing, I groan and unbuckle my seatbelt. I got out of the car and went to his side opening the door. I picked him up bridal style

"Umm Tom what're you doing?" edd asked

"Well he's not waking up sooo I need to carry him to my apartment" I said and shut the car door with my foot

"Ah I see" Edd said

Edd was getting Matt out of the car and I just started heading to the building. I went inside and straight to my apartment. As I stood in the elevator Tord buried his face into my hoodie, I felt my face heat up

The elevator door opened and I walked out making my way to my apartment. I unlocked the door and pushed it open without dropping the sleeping male in my arms

I shut the door with my foot and walked over to the couch laying him down

I find it strange that he's so light... I wonder... No, I shouldn't... But I'm curious...

I just tried to brush it off. I look at Tord and he's still sleeping, I felt my face heat up more. Then I noticed tears falling down Tord's cheeks, and for some reason it hurt to see him like this

I walked over to him and sat next to him. I placed my hand on his cheek, I wipe the tears away with my thumb. A small smile appeared on my lips

"... I'm s-sorry... P-please forgive... M-me.." Tord said quietly in his sleep

"Shh it's ok" I said in a calm manner and lightly caressed his shattered cheek

Tord still looks hurt, broken even. But what I said next, I didn't even think before I said it

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