Chapter 14

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Tord's POV

I noticed Pay's car and I got up. He parked the car and got out Malissa noticed him

"Pappa!" Malissa said then went over to him

"Hey Malissa" Pay said

I walk over to him with Alex next to me

"Hey Pay, long time no see?" I said

"Oh my god! Tord! You're awake! I've missed you!" Pay said and hugged me

"I've missed you too Pay" I said and hugged back

We pulled away from our embrace

"How's Pat and Paul doing?" I ask

"They've been worried about you but they've been doing good" Pay said

"Well that's good" I said

"Yea" Pay said

-Smol time skip-

We talked a little then Pay had to leave we said our goodbyes

"Ready to go?" Alex asks

"Yes" I said

"Alright let's go then" Alex said

We walked over to her car she got in the driver's as I got into the passenger seat

-Another time skip brought to you by my lazy ass self once again-

Alex stopped the car in front of the apartment complex

"Is this the place?" Alex asks

"Yes thank you Alex" I said and unbuckled my seatbelt

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Alex asks

"Yes I'm sure, I'll be fine Alex don't worry" I said

"Alright then, have a good day Tord" Alex said

I opened the door "You too" I said and got out

"See again one day, maybe" Alex said

I chuckled "Yea, see ya" I said before closing the door

I made my way inside and then to the elevator. Pressing the second-floor button when I enter it. The doors shut and the elevator started moving it stopped and the doors open

I walk out and made my way down the hall towards Tom's apartment, I notice Edd and Matt standing outside his door. I walk closer to hear what's he talking about

"Tom! C'mon, please come out! You haven't talked or even hung out with us in probably two years! Please... Tom... I beg you..." Edd said

"W-what?" I said

Edd and Matt both looked at me their eyes widened, I notice tears forming in their eyes

"T-Tord?" Edd stopped and smiled he came over to me and gave me a hug "Tord!" Edd said

"Whoa calm down Edd" I said

"We've missed you so much!" Edd said

Matt joined in on the hug. We separated from our embrace

"I'm so happy you're awake!" Edd said

"Yea, me too! I'm happy you're back!" Matt said

I smiled "Heh I missed you guys too" I said

"When did you wake up?" Edd asks wiping his tears away

"Not to long ago actually, probably like an hour earlier" I said

"Oh really? How did you even get here? Did you walk?" Matt asked

"Actually no some officer named Alex, she drove me here" I said

"Alex? Oh Alex does she have red and blue hair?" Edd asked

"Yea?" I said

"Yea she was the one who called us, saying you were in the hospital" Edd said

"Oh that's nice of her" I said

"Heh yea" Edd said and smiled

Edd looked back at Tom's apartment door and sighed

"Well I'll be in my apartment if you need me" Edd said "Matt you coming or no?" Edd asked

"I'll go with you" Matt said

And with that I was left standing in the hallway. I walk over to Tom's apartment and turned the handle but it didn't move

Locked and I don't have a key. Gawd dammit

I found a hair clip in my hoodie pocket and lock picked his lock. When a click was heard I turned the handle once again and pushed the door open

I stood up and put the hair clip in my hair, don't ask- I just like it OK- I quietly shut the door behind me and locked it cuz why not?

Geez, his apartment is a mess

I took off my shoes. I sigh and made my way to his room. I knocked on his door when I got there, I waited but nothing, I knocked once again

Still nothing

Is he asleep or what?

I try and open his door and guys what. It's locked too I sigh and take the clip from my hair and lock pick the lock. I heard another click and I stood up putting the clip back in my hair

God I think I might be the stealthy-est lock picker

I giggled at that thought, I slowly open his door and see him sleeping in his bed. He doesn't seem to happy tho, his expression seems more sad

God it hurts so much to see him like this

I walk over to him and sat down on the side of the bed next to him. I placed my hand on his cheek caressing it with my thumb. I kissed him on the forehead

"Why do you have to be so cute?" I ask and smiled

I laid down wrapping my arms around him, trying not to wake him up in the same time. He cuddles into me and buries his face in my chest

I lay my head on top of his feeling my eyes get heavy. I hug him tight and close like I'm going to lose him. But I don't want that to happen

"I love you Thomas" I said before my eyes shut then I soon fell into a slumber

Yay Tord's Okay!

And he gets to sleep with his love!!

Yesh! Another chapter!

I know it's kinda short...

I'm sowwy about that!!

But I hope you all like this chapter

Tell me what you think about the book




What do you say?

And my mission has been accomplished!!!

What is your mission?

Well I've gotten some of my friends addicted to Eddsworld!!


Ok, ok I'm slowly going crazy...

Well that's all I got to say so BAII!!

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