Chapter 4

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Tord's POV

We arrived at the beach. Edd, Matt and Tom left to go get change and I went over and sat in the sand. Eventually, Edd came over

"You're not going to swim?" Edd asked

"No, I'll pass" I said

"Oh ok then" Edd said

Matt came over

"C'mon Edd let's go!" Matt dragged Edd over to the water

God, they look so cute together. They would be perfect for each other

"Oi Commie, you're not going swimming?" Tom asked

"Nah, I'm good" I said and looked at him

I blushed when I saw him

"Welp, I'm leaving then" Tom said then walked off

He joined Edd and Matt. If you may be wondering why exactly I'm not going swimming, well that's because of the cuts on my wrist. I can't let them find out...

I just sat there watching my friends have their own fun

Edd's happy

Matt's happy


Tom's happy

-Smol time skip-

I was sitting there then I felt a tap on my shoulder

"Um m-mister?"

I turned my head and look over to the girl. To see a little girl standing before me, I sat straight up

"Yes?" I ask

"I-I can't f-find my mommy and d-daddy" She said

I could see her eyes starting to water up, I started panicking and went on one knee in front of her

"Hey hey don't cry, I'll help you out" I said

Her face lit up

"R-really?" She asked

"Of course dear" I said

She hugged me "Thank you!"

I hugged her back and separated from our embrace

"But first could you tell me your name?" I ask

"Malissa!" She said with a big bright smile

I smiled lightly remembering that's my mom's name

"Do you know what your mommy and daddy's name is?" I ask

"I don't remember" Malissa said

"Do you remember what they look like?" I ask

"Yes" Malissa said

I stood up

"Well let's go walk around and see if we can spot them k?" I said

"Ok" Malissa said

She grabbed my hand

"Are you here with anyone else other than your parents?" I ask

"My uncles" Malissa said

"Have you seen them yet?" I ask

"Yes but I don't know where they are now" Malissa said

"Ok before we start walking, look around to see if you see anyone you know" I said

She carefully looked around

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