Chapter 8

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Tord's POV

 Ever since I brought Tom into his room since he fell asleep, and I've been bored out of my mind ever since then. The TV was on and I was staring right at it but I wasn't even watching what was on

They don't actually care if you were gone

I let out a sigh and rested my head on my hand. The voice is really annoying and it does still get to me but I do my best to ignore it

After a while, it'll just give up and stop talking so that's good I guess

Maybe going to the park will be something to do? Yea... That sounds nice

I got up and left the apartment and the building. I started to make my way to the public park, it isn't that far and maybe I can go visit mamma again

-Time skip- (Because I'm so fucking lazy and walking is absolutely booorrriiing!!)

I got to the park and found a bench I walk over and sat down on it. I stared at the ground for what felt like a minute, before taking a cigar I have and lighting it

Yes, I still smoke... I find it helps me... It helps me calm down... And yea I know it's bad but... I like it

I put my lighter away and put my back on the back of the bench. I sat there in silence smoking, the silence was sorta comfortable? I don't really know

"Tord?" A familiar voice said

I turn my head towards them and see Malissa, I smile

"Oh hey Malissa, how're you?" I ask putting out my cigar

"Good, but now I'm great since I get to see you!" Malissa said and smiled

I chuckled "Come sit with me" I said

"Okie!" Malissa said and sat next to me

"Hey, Malissa do you wanna know something?" I ask

"Sure, what is it?" Malissa asked

"You have a really special name" I said

"Really? Why is it so special?" Malissa asked

"You have the same name as my mamma, Malissa, she was an amazing person. And I bet you'll be as amazing as she was" I said and ruffled her hair

She giggles "She must be very special to you" Malissa said

"Oh she was" I said and lightly smiled at the memories of everything we did together

"Was?" Malissa asks

"Yea... Before she passed away..." I said sadly

"O-oh sorry for asking..." Malissa said

I smiled "Hehe it's ok, when you're young you're quite curious about things. As for myself was curious about a lot of things in the past" I said

Malissa nervously giggled "Hehe yea true" Malissa said

I smiled "Wait where are Pay and Mady?" I ask

"Pappa? Mamma? I didn't come here with Pappa or Mamma, my school finished earlier and I missed the bus so I had to walk" Malissa explained "But there was this creepy man following me" Malissa continued

"Creepy ma-" I stopped "Oh no..."

I hugged Malissa "Well I'm glad you're ok" I said

Malissa was confused "Of course I am" Malissa said "Why wouldn't I be?"

I let her go "Well that man doesn't sound to nice, he could've taken you away and that could've been the last time your parents see you. Or even you see them" I explained

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