"Running away as fast as I could from home & every one else " not paying attention to where I ended up all I know is I was deep in the forest with nothing but the full moon as my light " while running I thought I've never been this far from home before always close , careful not to stray to far I've been told " where was the edge of this place? Or does it keep going without an ending like a maze? Trying to catch my breath I had to slow down,the branches seemed like they scraped & scratched every part of me " maybe there was a clearing soon up ahead I didn't know for certain.."""oh my god!! Ouch!! I let out a harsh scream!! It hurt ,my leg not paying any mind to myself" I had stepped on maybe a tree limb I wasn't sure " it had been sticking up from the forest floor' I stopped enough to where I could try to see what had happened' I could feel a slight burning sensation above my ankle' the limb caught my leg as I was running" I'll try to see 'so I immediately stopped & lifted my petticoat up a bit, sure enough I had a bit of a long scratch from the limb " stinging to the touch of it ' I pulled back (natural instinct),my finger tips had been warm & wet just a tad bit of blood, of course" I was bleeding' talking to myself again out loud " ?(I knew I was alone who could possibly be out here besides me?) What else could go wrong? Looking around just to make sure that I had been alone " I needed to find a clearing this place seemed to never end" why did I leave what was I thinking! Suddenly was it possible? Could it be a slight path leading out? Only one way to know keep going girl you ( I told myself) your almost there " hearing the twig's & what ever else cracked beneath my feet from the forest floor " With a happy gasp I had made it!! The edge of this place ended up being from what I could tell an old cemetery,but how old exactly? Making my way farther into this place " looking around for anything to just take a rest on " I was extremely tired & so stupid for leaving" my stubbornness had never gotten me anywhere! Uhhhh!! Finally to my right in the slight distance I seen a gazebo" didn't quite matter what it looked like I needed to rest for a bit ,not taking any chances , slowly approaching , checking what I could see " with nothing but the bright moonlit sky , there were a few steps not many ,made out of wood " I could tell by the way I had stepped up apon them " stopping at the entrance, trying to get my eyes adjusted to my surroundings' I could finally relax nothing scary ,just an old cemetery & old gazebo " no nothing at all scary about this " I had found a bench to sit down for a while,gather my thoughts" I knew I was lost of course.. what was the matter with me ! Feeling my own heartbeat pounding as it we're to rip through my chest and onto the floor" I was truly scared ! Not sure what could possibly happen at any given moment" my mother would never know what happened to her little girl! What a shame all the things I had put her through" this had been worse!! I have to leave right now" but I shall rest... just rest for a...A moment.
"Meant for me"
VampireIreland 1529, My life felt like it was over until I met him ' he saved me from myself'