"I hated my life at this point,just hated it " Nothing had any meaning at all ,forget the one's who loved me, couldn't bare another heartache without my love, thoughts of him lingered in my mind questions filled my curiosity,he left me all alone " I had been nothing more than someone he took and preyed upon,a stupid girl who was gaulabil and had let him take full advantage of my heart,I deserved what I got, Why all the while I'd be dieing at this very moment" everyone would be better off without me ,all I did was cause misery & pain ' rebellious I am ,I never listened to anyone,I did what I wanted ,so be it misery was my friend now,I did this on my own, just let the animals take me & I hadn't a choice anyway I couldn't stop them from coming,my demise was inevitable" I knew being ripped to shreds and torn apart piece by piece wasn't how I imagined myself leaving this world,old and alone is what I always pictured" no one to come to my funeral, lying in my bed all alone dead ,for no one to find me for day's, " the stinch of death filling the air, waisting away day after day ,night after night " ... Please do not hurt me!! I yelled at them as if they'd listen to me or anyone else for that matter, I'm there prey , weakness is what they sensed from me ,I could see there breath as they growled, there yellow glowing eyes pierced right through me,frightening me with every move they made " Suddenly from out of nowhere a human shaped form came out of the forest ,the wolves looked just as frightened as I had been, we're they to be prey just like me? They we're backing off slowly" like little puppies being scorned for something they did' whimpering, who ..who are you sir? Silence filled the air ,no answer from this stranger" I couldn't see who he was, I needed to thank him dearly for helping me ' my body trembled no more with fear' Sir thank you " nothing but silence still,not a word,he stood there motionless,like a statue, please tell me your name so I can thank you properly' I tried to stay calm ,but I couldn't help but not cry ,I was happy to still be alive ,my heart slowed down it no longer beat heavily" Sir can you hear me? Come out from the shadows , slowly he backed into the forest' but why? Please Sir I only want to talk to you ! And just like that he vanished in a blink of an eye, could it have been Killian to my rescue? And how did he have control over those beast's? We're they as frightened of him as I was of them? Confused about this whole night ,I wanted to just make it home in one piece,I no longer wanted to die,nor leave my mother ,she didn't deserve to be alone ,I stood up to get my footing,still a little shaken, thinking I was alright, I had to calm down and go ,as fast as I could, leaving this place, straight ahead do not look back girl just go! So I did .
"Meant for me"
VampireIreland 1529, My life felt like it was over until I met him ' he saved me from myself'