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= one =

Many people believe that soulmates do exist. And rather, you can only find them by chance.
That chance comes to only a few people, and those people are considered to be lucky.

You had read a lot about such soulmate theories and how soulmate bonding worked, merely because it seemed entertaining.
You never believed in such things, although you had heard from a few of the people you knew that they had bonded with their soulmates.

It just seemed too unrealistic to be true: Feeling a different kind of energy when your soulmate was around, and a bond that tied you to him/her forever.
You weren't up for such fantasies.

"For the last time Ara , stop talking about this. I might just lose it if you talk too much about this soulmate stuff." You groaned as she went on and on yet again during lunchtime at the office.

"But Y/n, what if you actually do find your soulmate someday? Would you really ignore them just because you don't believe in these things? I'm telling you, soulmates are for real." She said.

"I'm not saying soulmates don't exist. But for me, a soulmate is a person who loves you as much as you love them. For life. They understand you, be with you and support you. You feel a connection with them. That doesn't involve weird and magical experiences." You stated, stuffing noodles into your mouth.

"The connection is exactly what I'm talking about! Y/n, I do believe in Soulmate bonding, okay. Don't come to me if you ever find your soulmate." She said, annoyed.

You pouted "Are you mad just because I don't believe in this? Come on! We're best friends!"

She sighed "Why do you always have to pout like that? You know what, you remind me of Seokjin sometimes."

"Seokjin, as in, Kim Seokjin from BTS? That means I'm worldwide beautiful!"
You chirped.

[A/N: That was super cringey]

"Ugh, that's not what I meant. For as long as I remember, you've resembled a trash can." She scoffed playfully.

[A/N (again): The earlier word used was 'potato', but then me and my lovely readers (basically y'all) realized that it wouod be a bit insulting and hurtful towards the lovely potatoes UwU so I finally changed it :')]

You let's your eyes widen in pretend horror, pulling on an expression of hurt.
"I feel offended!"


Fine, I'm sorry.

But wait! What if Jin is your soulmate? That's be so amazing!" She cried.

"Not again!" You whined as you gathered your stuff and moved back to work.

Somehow, the mention of Seokjin distracted you from work. You and your friend were working in Seoul, so what if you really met him someday? It was too stupid of you to think of that, but thoughts don't hurt, right?

Or do they?

(A week later)

You hurriedly stuffed the bread into your mouth as you clumsily tied your shoes and ran out of your house. You couldn't afford being late yet again, or else you'd be fired.

You would be left jobless in a foreign country, struggling with life.
Even in such a haste, your mind could actually wander to such dramatic thoughts.

As you ran down the street, you felt a weird energy surge into you. You felt happy, even though you were running late to work.
You shrugged it off and kept running, not so gracefully, as you weren't much of a sportsperson.

As you kept running, you noticed a man walking towards you, his head downward, as if trying to hide his face.
You wanted to stop and tell him that he was walking on the wrong side of the road, but you didn't have time.

As fate would have desired, you accidentally bumped into that man because of your clumsily tied shoes. His wide shoulder bumped with yours, and you tumbled forward. You mumbled an apology as you spotted the bus stop ahead and ran towards it.

You could hear that man yelling behind you, and his bickering tone seemed strangely familiar.

But you didn't have time to think about it as a bus arrived and you jumped into it.

(At the office)

The boss glared at you as you lowered your head and went to your cubicle.

"I wouldn't have been surprised even if you had turned up in the middle of the meeting that we have in a few minutes." He remarked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry. My alarm clock was broken."

And you weren't lying. It really did break this time.

"The company doesn't pay you for nothing. Get a new one. And don't throw in that lame excuse everytime." He snapped.

You sighed as made your way to the conference room for the meeting. Your right shoulder hurt a lot, and you were sure that you were going to have a bad day.


That guy you bumped into wasn't having a really good day either. He felt drained and lost.
He couldn't get the choreography right, and and zoned out a couple of times. His right shoulder hurt a lot too, but he decided to ignore it.

He was an idol after all.
He was Kim Seokjin of BTS.

A little bit of pain meant nothing to him. In the evening, he decided to check why his shoulder hurt so much, and to his surprise, there was a big purple bruise on it.

Bumping into a person, that too a girl, surely couldn't hurt that much. But he couldn't remember anything else that could've caused that bruise.

That girl must have been made of steel.


You saw a big, purple bruise on your right shoulder too as you got back home that night.

And you thought of the same.

Maybe the collision was too violent? That could be possible, because you were running wildly.

But you didn't have much time to think about it, as you felt exhausted, and sleep took over.

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