I need you

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= six =

(Jin's POV)

Even though I felt better after meeting Y/n that day, I started to feel pretty exhausted again? Was it because of this bond? Will I always have to keep seeing her to keep myself energised? But I could tolerate that.
And not just the exhaustion, I honestly felt like seeing her again. She was so different from how I had pictured a fangirl to be. She was so... normal, kind and forgiving.
I never thought she would actually forgive me for being a jerk. Plus she understood my problems as an idol.
And if felt exhausted, it should've been the same for her.
But she didn't have to go for dance practices or vocal sessions.
But then, she was working hard with her own profession, so she must've been exhausted too.

(End of POV)

You had been feeling pretty exhausted again, and you knew it was because of the soulmate bond. You needed to see him, but of course, he was an idol. And he was busy all day. You couldn't just pop up at Night and tell them you needed to see Kim Seokjin because you were his soulmate and the bond was weakening you since you hadn't met him for quite some time.

No one would believe you. Even if they saw you at the building that day.

Plus, it would make things worse. You couldn't let everyone know about you soulmate bond yet. Because, if the news spread outside, Jin's biggest fears would come true.

You didn't want him to get into some scandal because of you. Little did you know, you had started sacrificing yourself for him. Bit by bit.

You contemplated on whether you should ask him to meet up, but you couldn't bring yourself to call him first, fearing he'd be busy and you might end up disturbing his schedules. It wasn't that big of a deal, though, but it still worried you.

Thankfully, he actually called you first.

"Hey y/n. Do you feel kinda exhausted these days? Or is it just me because of all the rehearsals?"

"No. I do. Could it probably be the soulmate bond?"

"Yeah, I think so. I guess we need to... uhm... See each other often to... energise?"

"Maybe we do. So... Would you like to... uhm... meet up somewhere?"

"We can't meet up outside, and not at the Bighit building too. Can I just... come to your apartment?"

"Of course you can. But what if someone from the media sees you?"

"I'll make sure that they don't find out. Well then. I'll be there in the evening. You'll know when I arrive."
He chuckled.

"Yeah. See you then."

Seriously. Even meeting him was so complicated. You had never wished for your life to take such a turn. You had always wanted to be an independent person. You weren't quite interested in relationships, and even if you were, it would never have been something like this. Thankfully, you were just friends with him for now.

Till Seokjin would keep this soulmate thing a secret, both of you would have to hide yourselves from the world. Only Namjoon and Ara knew about this other than you two. It would take time to reveal things to the members, to Bighit, and eventually to fans.
No one knew how they all would react, and it was all so challenging and complicated.

Such thoughts clawed at you during work, but you were too exhausted too even stop thinking. You arrived home in the evening, ready to do nothing and just go to bed.

But soon enough, your heart started thumping louder, and you remembered that he was supposed to come. Sure enough, the doorbell rang, and you opened the door to see his handsome but flushed face. Clearly, he was more exhausted than you, because his work included more physical involvement.

He gave you a weak smile as you stepped aside, letting him in. And now you were already feeling better.

"I barely made it here. I was so tired from all the intense rehearsals. How have you been?" He asked you, plopping down on the couch.

"Not really good, but not as bad as you. I'm already feeling better now." You smiled.

"Me too." He smiled back.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" You asked.

"A glass of water would be fine." He said, and you rushed to the kitchen, filling up a glass.

"I'm eventually going to be exhausted again. We have to rehearse for the upcoming world tour, you know." He said, taking the glass of water you handed him.

And then, a really important question struck you. "What are you going to do when you get exhausted during the tour? And it would probably last for months. How will you keep yourself energised?" You asked.

His eyes widened. "Ugh I never thought of that. We won't be able to meet then. And both of us will end up getting tired yet again. This is just so burdensome."

You agreed with him. But when he mentioned it all being burdensome, it kinda hurt you. You had been thinking all the time about how it make it work, and he just thought of it as a burden.

"What is so burdensome?" You asked him.

He looked at you, confused. "The whole soulmate bonding thing. Don't you think so?"

"I don't. This was destined to happen if we met. And all of this is a part of the bonding. Thinking of it as a burden won't help in any way. We can't do anything but learn to live like this. We have to find out a way to keep you in one piece during the tour. I don't want to be the reason you can't perform well at the concerts. Fans wouldn't like it. I know they care, but you won't be able to explain your sudden weakness without revealing all of this."

His lowered his head, slowly nodding. "You're right, though. We can't do anything about this. I'm sorry. But about the tour.... Won't video calls work?"
You snorted at his suggestion. "I wish they would. But soulmate bonding doesn't work on technology."

Both of you sat in silence, trying to think of a way to fix the problem.

After some time, Jin suddenly sat up. "We have to be near each other to feel the energy, right?"
You nodded in reply.

"Okay, so what if I touch you?"

You looked at him, confused. What the hell did he mean by that?

(A/N): Hi guys!!! I shifted this series from my fanfiction account on Instagram to Wattpad. I hope y'all like it!
Lots of love ❤️

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