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That particular text message from a particular someone had managed to make you get a bout of the jitters for quite some time, that some time being the same as the boys' stage rehearsals.
You couldn't handle standing close to any of them even for a second at that moment, knowing that they'd either bring up the topic or tease you. There was no way he would've sent that text on his own after all that had happened back in the van, and you were pretty sure all of them had a hand in this.

And you tried to stay as far away as possible from him, because his mysterious behaviour wasn't helping with your anxiety. You couldn't hide from him though, because you were supposed to act as their manager in front of the other staff there.
You attempted to be normal, trying to cheer them up when you'd actually barely managed to focus on their performances.
Sejin did his job by cheering them up and pointing out any visible mistakes or things that seemed out of place about their performance, which were actually close to none. But you just couldn't focus on that. Your mind and heart wouldn't let you.

And those pests did nothing but nod and give you knowing smiles, which only ended up making you feel more embarrassed about the whole situation.
You knew Seokjin stole glances at you whenever he could, and you really wished you could either just confront him then and there, not caring about anybody else, or wish for the ground to swallow you up.

And so, after a painful two hours of trying to hold yourself together, the rehearsals finally ended with the boys thanking their choreographers, the dance crew and the staff while on their way to the green rooms.

The greenroom.

Oh shoot.

You panicked for a few moments as you remembered the treacherous text he had sent you before beginning with practice and you hadn't realized how anxiously you were waiting for the rehearsals to end until then.

You were finally about to experience the great moment of revelation.

But your legs wouldn't move.

You were too nervous to even glance at the door to the green room while the cheery voices coming from the inside just droned on in the back of your head like poorly audible background music.

What was he even going to say?

Just then, your heard your phone beep yet again, showing another text from Mr. Bemusing-but-Handsome Soulmate.


Where are you?

We were supposed to meet up in the greenroom?

Be quick :)

Not that darned smiley face again.

What is this guy up to?

You sighed, trying to slow down your rapid breathing as you slowly made your way to the dressing rooms.


"Took you long enough, miss."
Hoseok stepped aside with a chuckle after opening the door, and all you could do was give him a feverish smile as you walked in.

The room was already half-chaos with Jungkook and Jimin goofing around,

and Kim Seokjin nervously pacing back and forth.

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