The Jerk

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= four =

"You did..... what?!" Namjoon half-yelled at him. "Hyung, do you even know how many people are dying to meet their soulmates? You could at least have tried to know her, talk to her and befriend her. Who said that you had to make her your girlfriend? And you just told her off the first time you officially met her? I'm sorry hyung, but I'm really disappointed with how you handled this situation." And with that, he walked away. Jin wanted to deny the fact that he didn't make an effort to know you, but it was the obvious truth.

He sighed and slumped down on a nearby bench in the room. He probably fucked up. He probably scared you away. He did feel bad for talking to you in such a manner, but he was just too frustrated at that point of time. Maybe you weren't a bad or snoopy person, and maybe he had already formed a bad perception of you in his mind. Suddenly, he regretted it all. He could at least have tried to talk to you nicely and sort it out. And he messed up. Chances were that his soulmate would never want to meet him again, even if he wanted to.

"I wish I had never predicted that." Ara said as she sat down beside you on the couch at her home. "I didn't expect it to be this bad." You sighed. You knew it would be difficult for him to cope up with the fact that he had accidentally bonded with his soulmate, but you didn't expect him to be this cold towards you. You always knew Kim Seokjin as the kind, humorous, confident, talented and handsome guy. The guy you saw and talked to a few hours ago wasn't the Jin you saw on the screen. He was so different. So maybe, what people appear to be in front of the world isn't how they actually are in real life. Or maybe he acted like that just for this once.

It confused you so much that you just wanted to get him out of your head. Kim Seokjin, supposed to be your soulmate, was out of reach for you. Stupid of you to have expected a different outcome. Stupid of you to have thought that he would like to be with a nobody like you. Just stupid.
"Ara, let's just not talk about this. I might go nuts. Let's pretend all of this never happened." You said with a heavy heart. "Fuck you, Kim Seokjin. You upset my best friend." She muttered as she gave you a tight, consoling hug.

Jin wasn't in a good mood either, the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. The exasperated look you had on your face as you left the room that day was stuck in his mind. He tried to do everything he could to forget that face of yours, but he couldn't. Maybe it was the bond, or maybe it was his guilt. He tried to run away from his problems, and he failed. He was quite distracted at rehearsals, and Namjoon, being the wise guy he was, knew what was bothering his hyung.

"Hyung, just call her and apologise to her. It isn't that difficult. Explain your point of view calmly to her, and bear it if she's a bit annoyed with you. She's your soulmate after all. Both of you are destined to be together, some way or the other." He told Jin while they were having a small break from practice. Jin looked up and smiled apologetically at him. "I'll try. I'll apologise to her. Thanks for not giving up on me after that day." He said. "I would never give up on you, hyung. I was just disappointed in you that day. But I can see that you truly regret it. Get things settled before it's too late." Namjoon replied while patting his shoulder reassuringly.

And thus, following the leader's advice, he called you.

More than once,

And to his dismay,

You didn't answer him.

Maybe you didn't because it hurt your ego,or maybe you didn't because you had lost all interest in talking to that person, your soulmate. Why was he calling you now? After talking to you so harshly that day? Okay, he might have felt a bit guilty. But you were sure he just wanted to apologise to you, and end this.

You weren't going to talk to him anytime soon, let alone be friends with him. You ignored the phone calls of an idol, famous around the world, because he hurt your feelings. And you mattered more to yourself than a rude, conceited idol, or at least that's what he was according to you. And one day, there were no missed calls from Kim Seokjin, and you felt relieved that he was gone from your life for good. Until someone rang the doorbell.

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