Pretty Boy

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Constant buzzing sounds from your phone interrupted your little snooze time, and you groaned, pushing away the blanket from your shoulders.

You extended your hand towards the nightstand trying to locate the device while your eyes struggled to open by themselves. After a few clatters and something falling off the small table, you finally managed to catch hold of th wretched thing which still wouldn't stop buzzing.

Without bothering to take a glance at the caller ID, you picked up the call, putting the phone to your ear as you mumbled a drowsy "hello".

"Oh ho, did I disturb her majesty's beauty sleep? Well, I don't care. Get up and explain why you haven't called even once after you got there."

You stifled a sigh, immediately waking up upon hearing your friend getting mad on the other side.

"Can you calm down for a second, Ara? The jet lag is killing me."

You heard her scoffing loudly into your ear.
"Oh come on, I know you don't suffer that much from jet lags. It's been more than a day. Who are you kidding?

Now tell me, did something happen? Are you okay? Because you don't sleep at eight in the evening and tell me it's because of some stupid jet lag."

You sat up, turning your head around to look at the clock on the wall. You had no idea how you had managed to slumber the whole afternoon away after Soeun had told you to rest and left you alone to check on the boys and do some other work.

"Hello? You there?"

You flinched, realising that Ara was still on the line.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I was just a bit tired and took a small nap. Can't a girl get some sleep?"

She sighed. "I just got worried because you hadn't called me, and you weren't exactly in good shape when you left.
And, I'm here on a Sunday morning, going back in time to call an ungrateful friend instead of sleeping in."

A smile crept up your face on hearing her grumble about it.
"Well, that is definitely a serious issue. My best friend doesn't wake up before ten on a Sunday morning. You sacrificed your sleep for me? Oh my god."

She chuckled. "Shut up. I'm this close to getting under my covers again. Man, Sunday mornings make me feel ten times drowsier.

Anyway, how have you been? And how is your pretty boy?"

You could almost see her smirking to herself as she deliberately enunciated the last question in a teasing way.

And you could feel your cheeks burning up.
"For goodness' sake, he has a name."

"And that's for yours to scream."

"You really want to die, don't you."

Ara laughed heartily, knowing that she had succeeded in making you feel flustered.

"No, not today!

But really, are you guys okay? Did you get any healing time with him?"

For once, you wanted to tell her everything. But that would only make her more worried than she already was for you. And you couldn't risk taking the chances of letting anyone else know what had happened.

Over the past few years of being with her, you know you could trust her with secrets. But still, this was something that concerned someone who was being watched every moment by millions of people, and it was a sensitive topic. No one knew of Seokjin finding his soulmate, let alone anything happening to him because of the bond, and it would probably have to stay that way for as long as possible.

You were sacrificing the trust you had in your best friend for the sake of a guy whom you had met just some time ago.

And thus, you huffed, pulling up the most confident demeanor you could manage.
"Yes, I did. He is doing well, and so am I. Don't fret over us too much, Ara. Take care of yourself."

"Who cares about you? I just want my idols to be healthy and happy."

You faked a gasp at her words.
"And you call me ungrateful?

That's it. We're over. Don't ever call me again."

"Well, that'll save my money.
But I can't leave you alone at some posh hotel in LA with strict managers and crazy fans that might pop out of nowhere. Oh, and with some worldwide handsome clown."

"Why is your idol a clown now?
And the managers here are better than you think. At least one of them is. I'm staying with her right now. And she happens to have a soulmate too."

"Aww, look at my baby joining the soulmate clan. Who would've believed that you were sick of the soulmate shit I talked of everytime.
And don't you dare forget me while you go on making new friends out there. Or I'll haunt you whenever you're alone with your flower boy."

You rolled your eyes, stifling a small smile. "How can I ever forget someone who annoys me this much? You'll always be on number one on the list of top ten pests in my life. The most adorable, crackhead pest."

"You do not get away with calling me a pest! Not even after you add some nice adjectives before that word. Just wait till you come back.

I'll skin you alive." She threatened.

You let out a fake whimper.
"Mom I'm scared."

She grunted at that, and you could clearly picture her folding her hands, with a frown on her face. "You never take me seriously, do you."

"Yeah, no. Now go back to bed, you're pestering me even more."

Ara huffed at that, a yawn escaping her lips right after.
"Well yeah. At least my bed treats me better than you do.
Take care of yourself and your boyfriend, and do not forget to call me often, or you know that I'm very much capable of carrying out certain threats."

You laughed it off and bade her goodbye, ending the call immediately when she yelled something about wanting to know all that happened between you and your 'pretty boy'.

Letting out a sigh of contentment, you rubbed your eyes a bit, trying to brush off the remaining amount of sleepiness in you as you glanced at your phone screen.

And you did not miss that one new notification which made your heart flutter.


we're going to the concert venue.
wanna join?

i'll drop by your room in 15 minutes :D


[A/N: A filler chapter oof.

Who missed cutie lovely Seokjinnie and his texts?

Thank you so much for all the love and support y'all have been giving to this story. I can never thank you guys enough and I don't deserve you lovely beans T^T.

Istg I still have no idea why you're even reading this story-

But ily so much ;-; ♡]

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