To the stadium.

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You were hastily trying to get the hairbrush through your hair that was a bit messed up owing to your naptime, when you heard the buzz of the doorbell.
Hastily forcing the brush through your hair while a few strands ended up being brutally pulled out along with it in the process, you dropped it and made a beeline for the door. Not forgetting to smoothen the creases of the pastel pink shirt you had decided to put on before opening the door, you took a deep breath and pulled the handle, only to find an amused Soeun snickering at you.

"Stop being so obvious, will you? I could clearly hear you fussing over your half asleep self from here. And was it the hairbrush that you dropped?"

Your lips parted in surprise and embarrassment, and sheepishly stepped aside, letting her in.

"Uh, I just didn't want someone to see me that way, you know. Can be harmful for my reputation.

Do I still look like that, though?"

She smiled, plopping down on her bed.

"Why don't you just admit that the someone you're talking about is-"

The doorbell rang again, completing her question.

"-right here? Seriously?

I don't think I should be saying this as their manager, but I do think they're a bit.... zany. 

I could've sworn he was sprawled out on his bed five minutes ago when I went to check up on him. Is he that excited to see you?"

You made an attempt to hide the growing smile on your face at the thought of him running to see you, which only resulted in Soeun narrowing her eyes at you and questioning your seemingly funny expression.

"Go get your prince charming. But remember to stay with Mr. Sejin whenever you're outside in public, alright?"

Your eyebrows creased.
"Aren't you coming?"

She shook her head, giving you a small smile. "I'm going to sit out on this one. They don't need all the managers at the rehearsal anyway. I'd rather get some rest myself for now.
Take care, though!"

You nodded, grinning at her before opening the door.

You were greeted by a herd of seven men and their manager with moods ranging from jolly to serious to bored, and they probably took up half the space of the lobby.

"You're one lucky lady, Y/N. You get to watch us rehearse on stage. Get ready to be swept of your feet!" Jimin bragged, his cheeks poking out of the black mask on his face as he smiled at you.

But the smile was short-lived and he soon ended up getting smacked at the back of his head by a glaring Seokjin.
"Do me a favour and understand the use of honorifics, will you?"

You spoke up before Jimin could retort.

"Do you want them to keep reminding me that I'm older than them, huh? That's a bit disturbing."

The elder one immediately straightened up, scratching his nape.
"I- uh, I didn't...mean it that way. I just-"

You heard Jungkook snickering in the back and he reached out to you, holding out his fist. It took you a moment to realise that you were supposed to go for a fist bump, and you did so, recieving a toothy smile from him in return.

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