Friends, maybe?

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= five =

You debated whether you should open the door or not. You got that weird energetic feeling yet again, but it couldn't be Seokjin at your doorstep, right? You finally decided to open it, and to your greatest dismay, your soulmate stood right in front of you. So this is why he'd stopped calling you.
You couldn't deny the fact that you felt better seeing him.
Maybe it was because of the bond.

"What fo you want?" You asked coldly.

"Won't you even invite me in? It's cold out here." He replied.

You sighed and opened the door wider as you stepped aside, or else it would be your fault if Kim Seokjin caught a cold and couldn't perform well.

"Nice apartment." He said, looking around.
"How did you find my address?"

He chuckled "It's pretty easy for an guy like me."
You huffed in annoyance. "What are you here for?" You asked him again.

"Woah, calm down. You've been asking too many questions. Sit down first" You rolled your eyes as you sat down at one end of the couch, while he sat on the other, maintaining his distance. It took him some time decide how to begin. All the confidence and cockiness he had come with had disappeared. But still, he found the courage to speak up.

"Y/n... I'm really sorry for how I behaved that day. I know I might have appeared to be a cold, conceited person to you because of how I behaved, but trust me, I regretted it the moment you left. I didn't mean it that way. I was just too frustrated at that moment. And yeah, I was being selfish too. I was afraid I'd get involved in a scandal, which is why I wanted to avoid being with you. But I really regret behaving like a jerk on the first time we actually had the chance to talk and get to know each other. You are my soulmate, and still I treated you like shit that day. I'm sorry."

Being the considerate person you were, you knew that it takes lot of courage to apologise to someone like that. So maybe he wasn't that bad. And you could tell how sincerely he meant all of what he said, because there was regret in his eyes.
You still doubted it because he was a good actor, but something inside you told you that he was really feeling guilty. Even though you were still mad at him, you decided to forgive him, because deep down you were quite sentimental.
"It's okay. I understand that you must have been under a lot of pressure, so I guess that kinda justifies your behaviour." You said. He looked up, and his face reminded you of an excited and happy kid.

"Really? You're forgiving me?"
You nodded in reply.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much! " He said.
"Well, okay. Is that all?" You still tried to act cold.

"Uhm... Let's start over? Our first meeting didn't go quite well, right? And it was all my fault. And I actually want to know more about you, since you might be knowing a lot about me." He said and smiled softly, the smile that could heal everything. And before you knew it, you were smiling too. You hated how you could be convinced so easily, but you decided to give him another chance. You talked about yourself, how you landed in Seoul, about Ara and your life out there.

He talked about how he ended up becoming an idol, and being a fan, you already knew most of it. To fans, he was Jin of BTS, but the person talking to you then was just any normal youngster, and you surprisingly felt at ease with him. He even cracked some weird dad jokes, and you actually ended up laughing at them. Soon, it was time for him to leave, and he got a phone call from Namjoon to remind him that he had to go to practice. "I guess we are at least friends now, huh?" He said.

"You could say so. It was fun talking to you." You said, smiling.
He smiled back. "I have to leave now. I hope you aren't gonna ignore my phone calls anymore."

You had just spent time with a member of the world's biggest boy-band, who was now your soulmate. It still felt like a dream. Not because he was famous, but because your soulmate happily turned out to be a hardworking, humble person. And of course, he was handsome.

You just hoped that your life as his soulmate wouldn't change completely just because of his career and fame. You didn't want to become a burden to him. But you weren't even sure if you'd end up being in some relationship with him.

He, on the other hand, was still skeptical about how he would deal with this situation. He had now realised that you were a normal, kind, and forgiving person. And he didn't want to burden you with the side effects of his fame by revealing to everyone that he had found his soulmate. He didn't even know how he'd learn to live with you. He didn't know if he just wanted just a friendship with you or more than that.
Moreover, in the eyes of certain fans, you wouldn't appear to be one of those pretty, slim girls any guy would die for. They would never even consider you to even be in the same league as him. He was an internationally famous pop idol, while you were just a normal employee at a normal company for them. And he did not want that side of their fans to take toll on you.

He knew he didn't care about anyone's opinion. He knew that there was something about you that set you apart from others.

Or maybe that was because you were his soulmate?

"You forgave him?!" Ara almost shouted at you through the phone.

You knew what was coming next.

"Y/n, how many times have I told you to stop being so gullible? It's like anyone can say anything to you and you'll agree to them. I know that you're a considerate and understanding person, but that doesn't mean you'll forgive that jerk so easily?!"
You sighed.
"I know. I was quite rude to him when he came, but then I saw the regret in his eyes. He WAS sorry! And after talking to him, I realised that he isn't exactly a jerk." You replied.

You didn't know why you were defending him, and that too in front of your best friend. You could hear her heavy sigh through the phone.

"Y/n, just... Don't end up getting hurt. I don't want you too. Be careful. I know this is gonna be really complicated, but don't just sacrifice yourself for him in the future, okay?"

You understood what she meant by that, but you didn't even know if you'd ever reach that point in your life. "I won't and I don't think I would ever have to. We would never even reach that point. We're hardly friends now."

"You never know what's going to happen, Y/n. Just be careful.

I'll always be there for you."

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